1 word Racism
13C's forum posts
MS took over this gen and I dont see them easily giving that up next gen. It will be their 3rd console and I expect it to do well
You never know. Look at sonys and nins 3rd
Gordon Freeman.RichardStallman
No.... YOU LIE
Nathan Hale
While the story in resistance is great nathan hale is well.......................Yeah
which is the reason why M$ tried at a next gen format with and add-on HD-DVD player, have an option to purchase an over priced 1st party wi-fi adatper, as well as have an option to purchase a silver account.[QUOTE="ermacness"]
But, but...Blu-Ray! Free Wi-Fi! Free Online!
The nerve of this post:lol:
Guess what? A wired connection is much better for online play that wireless anyday of the week, plus a silver account is free. Not to mention that a 12-month Gold account subscription can be found for like, $30-$40.
Oh, & Blu-Ray wasn't even needed for gaming this gen.
Guess what most casual use wirless. Heck even nintendo new that when making wii. Most ppl not have ethernet cables going though walls.
And guess what I suppose bluray waent needed for your games. But neither was dvd since a guess muiltiple cds could could have been used instead.
all those great games involve a gun
Ppl need to stop saying all companies are the same. There not. Some are more greedy then others like Activision
All they care about are BIG profits. If they make 10 billion one year and only 10 billion and 1 the next its bad and ppl get fired. And It looks like even after the amazing year that was 2009 even more devs are cut just to increase CEO profit
..... All companies are the same, in that their main goal is to produce profit.. Now some may support its customers more then others.. But in the end of the day it takes money to run a business, not the unending love from the posters in system wars.
Thats one thing. Its true all companies want money but how they go about making it in regards to ethics is diff.
LOL only lems seem to think so. Its like last year when lems said re5 looked better then kz2. SO MUCH FAIL
Ppl need to stop saying all companies are the same. There not. Some are more greedy then others like Activision
All they care about are BIG profits. If they make 10 billion one year and only 10 billion and 1 the next its bad and ppl get fired. And It looks like even after the amazing year that was 2009 even more devs are cut just to increase CEO profit
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