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#2 post

Hm... this is a tad awkward, methinks. but, what can ya do? that's a problem that stuff has to be so split up.

and you changed your picture again! and it moves! argh!!!

Yeah, it's taking me a while to send back, I've been really busy. too much procrastination, and now it's biting me in the butt. I got a bunch of books to read, among them Uncle Tom's Cabin, which is quite long, with very small text, so yeah... But, even better! It's NaNoWriMo! NAtional Write a Novel Month! have to write an at least 50k novel in 30 days, and I'm going for it this year. Apparently, if you're a winner, (all you have to do is finish the 50k in the time limit) you get a free voucher to receive a printed paper-back copy of your printed work! So this only sweetens the pot, so I've been working really hard on that too.

Modern Warfare 2 has arrived...I was planning on getting it, but my money is very low right now. So, I'll see how much I get when my paycheck comes in friday, and if it's not good enough, I'll jsut have to hold off for a while, it's not like i have zillions of other games to keep me occupied. It looks good though, but after watching the review, I still hold behind Uncharted 2 deserving the GOTY distinction for '09. modern warfare 2 doesn't look like it quite lives up to the immense hype, which isn't a big surprise.

finish crisis core? I want to play it again jsut so i can get to the end stuff again. I've been trying on hard, but geez it's hard on hard. i'm still stuck in the mako reactor with the sahigans angeal copies, they can kill me in one hit from a jump attack, so i keep dying. not fun.

yeah...armored core 4 answer defintiely plays better than all the other armored cores i play, especially with the big old arms forts to fight, but 3 isn't a bad fit on PSP. then again, when we're talking about customizable giant robots, I prefer Front Mission. I jsut hope they get this new front mission for platforms right, or i'll be rightfully indignant.

Fate/Unlimited Codes, I think is a PSN exclusive. there's either a blond girl in a blue armor/outfit or white armor/outfit, or both, i forget. that would be "Saber," one of the main characters. it's decent. it's too easy on normall difficulty, but crank it to hard and its pretty good, albeit the final fight characters are always blocking and pretty tough to beat, grr...

yup, sounds like down under gets the short end of the stick. we had jack thompson, you probably heard of him. saying vidoe games should basically be completely banned and FPS games were "murder simulators" etc, etc. he was permanently disbarred though, haha. maybe you need that to happen to your guy down there, huh? it does look like l4d2 does have more gore and stuff, but woopdeedoo, its not like Dead Space or Saving Private Ryan. I'll be getting it eventually, its just i'm a bit leary since l4d is more of a online leaning game and i don't have xbox live.

yeah, i guess any language is ahrd to learn once you're no longer a kid, i took four years of spanish, but I might be able to ask where the bathrrom is in a pinch, but that's about it. so learning japanese looks to be far-off at best.

Yeah, like I said, Disgaea 2 is so much more fun than 1. Now, they jsut need to make D3 for PSP. I've got my people all around level 10, I'm wanting to get a rune knight and a samurai.

Yup, I'm up to just about done on the train part. fighting the guy who has the dagger thing. Had to stop before i went back home for the weekend, and haven't been able to play since i got back since ive been bogged down with school work. I saw my brother play most of it, so, unfortunately, i already know most of what's going to happen, but oh well. the little thing at the very end though, where elena asks drake how scared he was that she had died, was really funny. good icing on the cake.

yes, STALKER is good. it is a bit glitchy at times, but not the gameplay parts, its the quests. sometimes the people to turn the quest into are dead, or you did the stuff and it thinks yoou didn't, stuff like that. if you find it, and can get a good deal, do not hesitate.

hm...I jsut realized, silent hill 1 remake is coming out soon... i think? haven't quite beat silent hill 1 ye tthough. and still no beginning on silent hill 3. and i had to take SH4 back to the store... I think i might get homecoming off of steam thoguh when i get my computer upgrade.

yeah, blackpowder is the "original gangsta" when you're talking about gunpowder. this is the stuff made from suplhur, charcoal, and saltpeter. It would have been used in guns, cannon, rockets, etc,invented by the chinese way back in 400 or whenever and used all the way tothe very late 1800's, when "smokeless powder" was invented, AKA, cordite, which is used in modern bullet cartridges. The stuff is extremely corrosive on metals and has to be cleaned extensively after use or your gun is going to turn into a rust pipe. So, yeah, when your thinking of like, civil war stuff where they had rifles that fired one shot, then they had to dump in mor epowder, ram the bullet down, etc, they were using blackpowder. Well, I guess that's american civil war, I don't know about any australian civil wars? so there's my mini history lesson, eh?

I've seen demon souls, but i was kinda looking at dragon age origins as well.

not too bad i guess, butr still looks like it could be a pain. if there's no other way to do it though...

oh yeah, i forgot, have you tried borderlands, or was that banned too? I beat it. it's pretty darn good.