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#3 post

I have a moving avatar of squall, but I can't seem to get it to work here. I haven't really had anny time for reading besides school stuff lately, what with the heavy work load they're giving me and NaNoWriMo. I have to read the strange case of dr. jekyll and mr hyde for class by tuesday, which i have not read it. I remember underclassmen in high school having to read it, but for some reason my class didn't read it. weird.

50k is tough, but it could be worse. the avera is about 1300 words needed a day, which is doable. and no, it doesn't even have to be finished, it jsut has to be 50k words to be a nanowrimo winner. they don't actually read your thing or anything like that, they just have an automatic word counter to check your progress. So technically, you could type in 50k "A"s and you could be a winner, but that's obviously being dishonest. i myself am sitting at 33,400 words, and there are 9 days left now. I should be able to make it.

what I'm working on is titled "the revetinsk incident" for lack of anything better at the moment. It takes place in my overall universe that i write in, but 6 years prior to my main work. It's for the most part speculative fiction of sorts, with some sci-fi elements here and there. basically, it's the year 341 PA, which is about 500 years in the future. However, there was a massive nuclear war in the 22nd century which set mankind a long way back, so these people aren't as technically advanced as you might think. Anyway, the main character is a doctor wholives in a tiny little village/farming commune called Revetinsk, which is out in the middle of nowhere in what used to be the russian steppe. but, weird stuff has been happening lately, and this crazy guy he finds in some ruins nearby turns into a monster and kills his assistant. So, in a nutshell, he's going out with some other people to find out why people are turning into these monsters and seeing if he can do something to stop it. that's the condensed summary.

yeah, i played modern warfare 2 a bit since my little brother had it for a whilew. It's good, but it defintiely doesn't live up to the hype that surrounded it. as far as i'm concerned, it's jsut a vamped up modern warfare 1 with some new guns and better graphics. and i saw the 'massacre' level, it was defintiely in poor taste, if you ask me. so, i've pretty much written off modern warfare 2 since the single player is only supposed to be 5-7 hours long. I think I'll get dragon age origins instead.

I did know that australia used to be a penal colony back in the day but that's about it. ha, though in my writing universe, australia has become fairly powerful because it avoided the worst of the bombing back when that happened.

yeah, jack thompson presented false eveidence and stuff, not to mention he kept wasting people's time, so he was disbarred. I did try to play some online with you yesterday morning sicne i got the opportunity, but you weren't on when i had time to play...sad... yeah, borderlands is good, albeit the final boss wasn't particularly hard, at least not for me playing as the sniper. you may just have to order that game off of ebay or amazon or something, eh?

yeah, i'm getting the "avatar" mixed up with "Avatar: Last Airbender" movie. Haha, I want to see airbender, cuz i liked the cartoons when they still played. as for the plain avatar, i haven't seen much about it, though i know people are going a little crazy over the game. yeah, I have the complete collection of sherlock holmes book, so i really hope that they don't mess the movie up. I can see something skanky coming from a thousand miles away with sherlock and whats-her-face, even though sherlock has absolute zero itnerest in that sort of thing, but you know they're going to put that in there since it's a movie...sigh... I just hope the story isn't too insane. Ah, watson wasn't so bad. we actually studied his character quite a bit in novel class, he's pretty important since he is the narrator after all. i prolly wont be able to make opening day since its christmas, but oh well

i guess i get the upper hand for posting the blog rather than commenting on it...

haha, i did get this game off of steam, slightly on a whim. IT's called Painkiller. Basically, you jsut run around and kill everything that moves, and it is sheer mindless fun. it's got a gothic motif to it, the character is a dead guy in purgatory who is working for an archangel to head off the devil's armies at the pass, so to speak, and must defeat 4 of lucifers generals in the process to earn he and his wife's passage into heaven. it's kinda a kickback to the oldschool shooters like wolfenstein and doom where you jsut killed everything and didn't need a reason. my favorite gun though is the 'stake-gun' i kid you not, it's a gun that launches honest to goodness STAKES and blows the hell out of anything that gets in your way, pinning thhem to walls and crap. very amusing.