yes, it was Thanksgiving break, so that is why there was my long period of silence. But, I'm back to school now for another two weeks of class, then finals week, and then i have my Christmas break. which is about three or four weeks long, way logner than it ever was in high school, that's for sure. I almost didn't know what to do with myself during last year's break
I haven't read anything by Clive Barker, i just know i've heard opposite ends of the spectrum on Jericho's quality. For novel class today, I had to read "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep" which is what the movie "Blade Runner" was based off of. though, I read the article on wikipedia about blade runner, and it sounds like themovie is drastically different from the book, i never saw it, it was before my time. I just know Harrison Ford was in it.
yup. I FINALLY finsihed my NaNoWriMo, two days ahead of schedule! I defintiely had to persist on it, but I won. and i beat my friend to it in the process, mwuhahaha. Now, I have to actually finish the story, it wasn't quite done within the 50k word limit. i'd say about two more chapters and i just finished the epilogue.
see, that's my opposite problem, i like my characters too much and have trouble fully realizing the actual story. I wonder about the quality of this one, whether it makes for a good story or not. I hope it is, but I'm a little worried. we get access to our paperback copy vouchers tomorrow, so i need to send it out to some people once its done and see what they think befor ei get it printed
too poor to get modern warfare; I have to save all my money from now to Christmas to get Christmas presents since my bum brother still doesn't have a job. i heard that my little brother back home got it somehow though, so i'll probably borrow it from him at some point.
oh, you got Borderlands too, that's greast! I'm like, level 36 hunter now,i think, i started a new game +, which is actually legit since the enemies level with you. I haven't got zombie island of dr ned yet though, but I probably will after Christmas once I can spend some money again. I haven't even checked to see what the price is yet.
yeah, it's true that I did not get modern warfare 2, BUT, I got something jsut as good in my mind's eye off of Steam: Battlefield 2. I've always loved Battlefield 1942, and steam was having a special five-day sale, so Battlefield 2 Complete was on sale 50% off, i'd bene looking at it for a while, but the sale just pushed me over the edge. it's defintiely even better than 1942, and the modern setting really freshens things up. I was a little disappointed though that on singlel player you could only play with 16 bots total, which made for some very sparse, un-exciting matches. However, I managed to find a mod/patch yesterday for it that lets you set the bots up as high as 255 per map, and you cann adjust the AI as well, so that just shot the game's playability way back up. now, i jsut need to see if i can find something that lets me adjust the size of the maps, because they're still 16 player size maps, so it's not practical to play with 255 bots, more like 64. I really don't understand why these options aren't in there, since they were in 1942.
I allso just got Far Cry last night, but have only been able to play it a tiny's REALLY hard. t seems like I'm dying if people sneeze the opposite direction, and i have the game set at normal difficulty too...however, it is rather amazing, considering it was made five years ago now
yeah, that's airbender. I liked it. and yeah, sherlock is on christmas. I remember going to see "Prince of Egypt" on christmas eve, but never something on Christmas day itself. and don't even get me started on twilight. I for one, still play castlevania where you KILL vampires, not get all weak-kneed about them. I think old Nosferatu is rolling in his grave in romania these days...
wahaha, that's awesome. I haven't quite beat Painkiller yet, I'm on chapter IV. but, i got the "black edition" off of Steam, so it also comes with the "Battle out of Hell" expansion, so there's ten more levels once I beat the main game. I really like the stake gun, but I've been having to revert to the shotgun and the rocket launcher because its been huge swarms of unending enemies.
yeah, that's right, P3 for PSP will let you play as a female protagonist if you desire, and social links will be adjusted accordingly; also, orpheus will have a slightly different appearance, and igor will have a male assistant instead of elizabeth if you pick the female protagonist. I'll probably try her out since I've obviously already played as the dude several times. it will NOT come with the "The Answer" game that was included in the FES PS2 release. there are supposed to be some mild changes to the story as well, though that has yet to be specified, so i don't know if the FES story changes will occur, like Chidori coming back to life eventually. However, it is going to have some of the P4 mechanic changes in it, like being able to control your entire party in battle instead of just the main character. also, i hear therer will be some P4 cameo appearances, like Yukiko. yeah, have you beat P4?
and yeah, your text is having some weird symbols in them for some reason.. know what that's about?