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Number IX

oh, Kansas... I don't know about aussie-land, but Kansas is well known as afreak when it comes to our weather. It can go from sunny to cloudy in minutes, be hot then cold the next, and we just had a thunderstorm yeaterday, a thunderstorm in the middle of january! and it wasn't a little rumble of thunder here and there, but a full-blown storm with plenty of lightning and thunder and rain. never get bored living here, tell ya what...

this is true with bioshock... i understand there are some fears that it might jsut be 'more of the same' but im hopeful, anyway. I'd get it just for the new story, and i am planning on getting it when it comes out, but ill check some reviews first just to be extra sure.

yeah, i like fable 2, but now that it's over, i don't see particularly massive reason to go back and play it again, so it may end up going for trade-in credit, for what it's worth. it just doesn't have the playability of Oblivion or something like it.

as a total FF fanatic, I'm of course totally pumped about FFXIII in march, screw the whiners out there, I'm still getting it. I've waited four years now for a fresh taste of main series FF, and I will not be denied. I guess the problem is that people have extremely high expectations of Square for the FF franchise, prolly more than any other series out there, and it is difficult to live up to it, I'm sure. That being said, I am still, I think, more interested in FF versus XIII, but there is an awful lack of information otu there about it, which is really quite madenning, because the trailers we've seen thus far look extremely impressive.

yeah, i got sapphire and plenair, both of whom are lvl 100, which is way over powered for me right now, since my characters have yet to reach lvl 15 average level yet. how on earth do you get to such astronomical high levels anyway? at the rate I'm going, I would be doubtful if I was level 50 by the time I reached end game. so, most of the levels must come from after stuff, huh?

PSN... um, try acount management, then account infomration under the PSN tab, I think you can edit that stuff there

but, yeah, I finally got my mits on Dragon Age: Origins. needless to say, it is almost impossible to stop playing once you've started, and I've found myself sorely tempted to skip class so I can play it instead this week. It's not so free-roaming as Oblivion, but it's a HUGE game, I've played for more than 30 hours now and I'm not even close to ha;fway done, it looks like. I like the way the armor looks a lot better in this game than oblivion, not to mention there's a lot more variety. Also, there's the 'persistent gore' which is kinda something you wouldn't necessarily think about, but fighting with a sword is messy business after all, so you get all splattered with blood in battle, and it stays on when you run around and for cutscenes, which is a nice, gory, tocuh in my book. You can defintiely see the KOTOR influences in it, like skill mapping and healing, but thankfully it's not just KOTOR set in a fantasy setting. I guess it's called 'origins' so I asusme there are more games in this series, but if there are i've never heard of them. I say get it, if you haven't, and I doubt you'll be disappointed.