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number VII

Well, Christmas is now over. I'm pretty tired. MY family didn't have much planned for this year, so I was working a bunch, racking up a ton of overtime hours, so ill get a pretty fat check soon, which I'm excited about. It may be super hot there, but it's been super cold, and snowy here. And Kansas in particular is one of the windiest states on the continent, on Christmas Eve the wind was blowing 50mph and I couldn't see squat when I went to work that night. It's worse though beause I think my room is the coldest one in the whole house. I actually want to go back to my dinky dorm apartment so I won't be so cold at night anymore...

Oh yes, buying presents for my family is the pits, because they're the "oh, I don't really need anything" types, which doesn't help anything at all. MY dad, when he was still alive, was the absolute worst. This one year I got him this super nice thermos though, since he worked lawn and landscape and drank coffee all day, and he acted like it was the best present he'd ever got in his life. But of course, since this is the first Christmas without my dad, my stepmother was very emotional, and my grandmother in particular has been very short with people anymore. That aside, I didn't get anything too major for Christmas this year, which is alright, but, as for games, that's a different matter...

I'm honestly not sure how many games I've got since my last post. LEft 4 Dead 2 on my 360, Fable II, Fable: The Lost Chapters, Trauma Center Under the Knife, LOZ: Spirit Tracks, Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, Call of Duty 2, FFVIII off of PSN, Garry's Mod, and Torchlight. I'm not sure how I ended up with so many games either since I have only been paid once since then, but that's how it is. Needless to say, I'll be busy with them for a while.

I am, however, more or less pleased wigth Left 4 Dead 2. I don't have Live access at home, but I've played plenty of co-op with my brother. I like all the new weapons and melee addition, and there are more levels. I have noticed however, that the difficulty seems to be significantly cranked up from the first L4D. "The Parish" finale level in particular is so ridiculous that I have yet to survive it with more than one other survivor. Some levels seem much longer as well, so you're struggling to stay alive by the end. I can't necessarily say this is a bad thing since it makes the play more intense, but it definitely takes some adjusting too. I hehar they will be releasing a new DLC early '10 that will have a new campaign and add the L4D1 characters as playable in the 2 campaign, and add some additional weapons as well, which will be a nice addition for sure, since I still prefer the L4D1 character's over 2's. Francis simply can't be replaced.

Well, i met intial resistance from the parentals since they didn't want me spending $299 on the 32 gig iPod. You'd think they'd let me spend my money the way I want by now. But, I got on the store sight and scanned through the size of the apps I would plan on using, and I was surprisied with how tiny they are, msot are no larger than 50 megs, including the games. So, there should be no problem with getting the $199 8 gig model.

estelle leaving defintiely made vesperia hard during her absence, but karol's purifying blow or whatever it's called and raven's love shot can pick up at least part of the slack until she gets back. and that's weird, because Raven always seemed to be the one wanting to toss items around in mine as well. i've stuck with yuri, estelle, judith, and raven for the msot part. hmm...I think I didn't have to do a retry on the final boss in that game. It wasn't quite as epic as Tales of the Abyss's final boss fight though, with Tear signing the Grand Fonic Hymn in the background, it was pretty cool stuff

yes, but, FFVIII came out on the PSN!!! I of course, bought it the instant i saw it was on there. MY favorite game of all time, now wherever I go. Couldn't ask for more. Now all they have to do is add Xenogears to the PSN, and my life will more or less be complete, haha