oh, it is cold here, so cold. The daytime temperatures have been below 15 degrees for more than a week now, and that's not counting windchill. And this is Kansas, so there's always wind. The river is frozen solid and the streets are a disaster. i like cold weather, but i hope it warms up soon already. I don't think I've ever seen it this cold for so long before.
Well, I noticed Bioshock 2 comes out on the anniversery of Dad's death, Feb 9th, coincidence? Either way, it went better than I thought it might, all thigns considered.
Yeah, I got the original Trauma Center: Under the Knife, which is for DS, while Trauma center second opinion for Wii is an expanded remake of Trauma Center: Under the Knife. I was pretty disapoointed that my copy of that game didn't work, but I got Spirit Tracks in its place, so I'll live. Yeah, Fable II was good, but I did feel that the ending left a little to be desired. Especially since I chose the path of sacrifice so my dog was permanently gone. and come on, you practically play that game for the dog, so what's the point of playing without him?
This first quarter is looking good for games, for me anyway. I'll defintiely be getting Bioshock 2 and Final Fantasy XIII. MEtro 2033 is on my list as well, along with maybe Splinter Cell Conviction. Sands of Destruction comes out tomorrow, though I have no money. I'm really interested in Infinite Space, but that one still doesn't come out for a bit yet.
Borderlands has been keeping me occupied for the time being. I beat zombie island. It was good, but the same as Fable II it seemed, there doesn't seem to be massive reason to go back once you've beat it. not to mention Dr. Ned did not seem particularly difficult in either of his forms. in the main game though, i managed to find this insanely powerful fire repeater, which has turned into my ultimate secret weapon.
but yeah! Did you see? a bunch of characters were released as DLC for Disgaea 2 PSP! I downloaded Plenair and Princess Sapphire, and even better, they were FREE! now, there are some other characters, including Almaz and chcaracters from phantom brave and makai kingdom, but you have to pay for those. hopefully a priere will come up soon? or wait, i think she's already in the game... except, I haven't been able to try these characters yet because i'm stuck in the item world...feh... and what do felonys even do in the first place? I got to the part in the story where tink was supposed to get a felony, but i sent my green mage through the portal first and she got the felony isntead.
I'm back at college now, class starts tomorrow...but, my schedule isn't as bad as it was last semester. only have one class tomorrow, Survey of Tolkien, and reading LOTR certainly doesn't rate too bad as a class in my book.
haven't beat eternal sonata yet, it got pushed to the wayside by newer stuff. I fought count waltz and he turned his servant into some crazy dragon thing, and i ended up in the world where all the people who died from mineral powder are. i'm assuming im close to the end?