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Number XII

Well, it's been a month, I have no real excuse. lots of things since then.

It's on the mind for me, the new Gears of War 3 slated for release a year from now. I rebought gears 1 and got gears 2 as well. I beat Gears 2 just last week, and I frankly dont see myself playing the original again after playing Gears 2. 2 is just so much better in so many ways. I like the fact that it actually has a present story, albeit its no pulitzer prize stuff like you've said. But the minor tweaks to the gameplay and the improved graphics and balancing just make it a far superior package. I'm hoping that Gears 3 will be the zenith of the series, and go out with a bang rather than a whimper, since it's supposed to conclude the series. I don't know if you've seen the release trailer- I recognize everybody,but I'm quite surprised to see that Anya is fighting now, she looks pretty cool, but different. Though I'd want to hear the logic behind why she's fighting now. I defintiely approve of all of the character's new looks though, it defintiely seems to reflect the apocalyptic, desperate tone that the trailer seems to be aiming for.

my Wii... seems to be having a problem. I tried to play it the other night, and it's acting like it has no power. So... not sure if its just my power cord or something wrong with the Wii itself, which would be a pretty big issue. So, getting Trauma Team is debateable.

I think i got way too many RPGs than I will be able to handle for a while during spring break, ended up with FFXIII, Resonance of Fate, Infinite Space, and Guild Wars, in about two weeks, so I've hit a pretty huge back log. I'm feeling a little defensive about Resonance of Fate, since I've been keeping track of it for a while, but reviews are all over the place, from mediocre to awesome. I don't see any problem with it besides the somewhat stiff difficulty, and it seems a little unfair that some people are coming down on it despite its lack of fanfare upon release.

ah, you got the secret armory of general knoww DLC? I played it quite a bit with my friend over spring break, but practically havent touched it since then. I really approve of the Monster though, i'd take it over the regular runner car any day.

yeah, people go up and down about how they think FEAR1 was way scarier than FEAR2, but I think it's the exxact opposite, there seemed to be just a handful of momnets like that in 1, whereas 2 defintiely went the distance, especically with the parts where Alma jumps you. I saw they have an article for FEAR3 in my bro's game informer magazine, but i didnt get a chance to read it- I did see a picture of a very angry, very ugly looking pregnant Alma though, which i still don't understand since Alma doesnt seemt o have a body anymore, so how could she be pregnant, yada yada, it got weird there at the end of 2. either way, i'll be glad when my school computer gets upgraded in a few months and i can play fear 2 on a system that can actually handle it.

yeah I didn't buy heavy rain, but i borrowed it from a guy a few dorms down and beat it a few weeks ago now. I defintiely thought it was pretty cool, especically how your interactions effected the story. I ended up doing all of the trials except the last two, so i didnt kill the drug dealer and i didnt take the poison, but i was able to put the clues together at the end so that i still found where shawn was. I really didnt see shelby being the killer coming at all, and it especially felt low that I played him as a good guy and did all the good things i could when i used him, like helping lauren and stuff.

i beat Halo 3 the other day too, it was kinda weird, i got the game for free because this microsoft rep guy came with free goodies and that game was left over so i got it. I've only palyed halo 1 a little bit and havent played halo 2 at all, so i really didnt have much of an idea of what was going on really. the ending seemed kinda 'meh' to me, but then again, im not some crazy halo fanboy, so what do i know?

Oh yeah, and I've been kicking it old school too. I got Max Payne and Max Payne 2 off of Steam the other day, and I'm not regretting it. Max Payne may have come out in 2001, but it's still a heck of a lot of fun nine years later, it's hard to believe I never played it until now. sure, bigger and better things have been done with bullet time since then, like Stranglehold and FEAR, but Max Payne is still the original gangster, and going The Matrix on a bunch of druggies is pretty awesome. Now I can look in on Max Payne 3, whenever that decides to come out