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Ugh...seriously, my bad for taking so long to get back... this week is finals week, and last week i spent preparing. My professors are working me right down to the wire, whilst my bro hardly even had any classes last week. lucky.

well, thanksgiving is an American holiday and i guess no big surprise you don't have it. I have always wondered though about like, Christmas stuff internationally, since we always talk about having a w 'white' Christmas even though people like you down under it's the middle of summer. that must really stink.

Yeah, it's finally done, the NaNo. I got access to my free book copy voucher a while ago, and it lasts until July1. Im planning on finishing it up here during Christmas break though. The trick will be trying to figureout how to get it published, since self-publishing doesn't get you anywhere and its really hard to get a major publisher to do it. I'm jsut hoping for the best though. In the mean time, I've written the first few pages of my next writing idea, despite the fact that i have two in the works right now, not counting my NaNo. I'm planning to make it a "realistic" sci-fi, in that, I'm going to try to keep all the technological stuff as realistic as possible. Except for faster than light travel simply isnt possible in real life, but it's a concession i'll have to make.

yeah, i watched the blade runner movie this week before we discussed the book in class. I cant say i liked it as much as the book though. some of the stuff was just weird.

So, I'm guessing, you've beat Borderlands by now then? What did you think of the final boss and the ending? I've been playing new game +, and stuff is still challenging, so i give it the thumb's up. See, the one good thing about the co-op is that, if you are a strong character with a weak character, and their are strong enemies, the weak character gets experience whenever you kill something. In this way, when I was playing with my little brother, I got him up from level 1 to 10 in just a few minutes, so that's nice. Now that Chriistmas break is starting, I'll try to attempt to play some online with ya, it's just difficult that you're like, 13 or some horus ahead of me...makes it kinda hard.

See, this is the one thing i hate about online play. For whatever reason, people for the most part feel the need to be complete and utter deuche bags, and it drives me nuts. I got my 360 hooked up to Live and activated my month free trial of gold membership. I was playing a campaign with a guy who wasnt very good, but we were doing alright. and then, these two jerks joined our game and jsut started running around and shooting us in the back! and since there was twp of them, we couldn't vote to kick them off, so what happened was me and the guy i was originally playing with teamed up and killed them and then just left them there wounded on the ground till they died. Jerks.

Oh yeah, i was a little upset when I saw how limited the "out of box" Battlefield 2 was compared to Battlefield 1942. However, I found this absolutely great site called "battlefield single" that focuses almost entirely on the single-play aspect of the game. I've downloaded tons of maps, and found a mod that lets me adjust the map size from 16 to 32 to 64 player size maps, and adjust the bot count from 1 to 255, and adjust their AI levels as well. these were things you could do in 1942, but for some reason, they were not included in Battlefield 2, it's like they focused on the multiplay aspects only. Now with these nmods, I pretty much play single play only, and it's a ton of fun.

Far Cry is good, but hard. Now, Far Cry 2? I would ultimately suggest to not bother with it. IT seems good at first, since its a big sandbox type shooter, and it plays alright, but a lot of things add up to turn it into a total drag. For example, you can't drive anywhere without running into an outpost of mercenaries who chase you down relentlessly. there is a buddy system, but buddies are almost completely useless and get themselves injured, and by the time you can get to them, you cant save them no matter how mnay stimpacks you jab them with. jobs are all very similar, AI is relentless, etc, etc, the list goes on. It's fun for about the first few hours but then it just turns into a boring and frustrating slog.

I'm a bit sad wiht painkiller now though, because i'm on chapter 4 and there are swarms and swarms of enemies that attack at once, so i cant really use the stake gun anymore...but, it's still holding u well, so i approve.

of course though, regardless of how well the next castlevania does, it'll never do as well as those ridiculous twilight books. I wish I had kept the link to this thing my friend sent me, it was like a "synopsis of twilight" ad it had little comic book drawings, and it had me laughing so hard i was literally on my side and couldnt breathe. and, the radio station that i work at, i kid you not, id doing a special twilight jewelry give away thing. barf-inducing, i tell you.

oh yeah, star ocean 4. I know they didn't give it uber high reviews on gamespot, but i still liked it a lot. The characters, well, some i liked, and some i didn't. Edge is alright, except for a period of the gamme where he's so angsty you jsut want to strangle him. Teh gameplay is great yes, it takes the battle system of Star Ocean 3, which was already excellent, and makes it even better. As for being lost, it's like MGS3, it takes place at the beginning chronologically, so no prior SO knowledge is really required. Now, there are a great deal of "hint, hint, nudge, nudge" type of references to previous star ocean games, but i wouldn't say that you would be lost or anything.

I got countr-strike: source today since Steam was ahving it on a deal for $5. i dunno if i should've got it or not... all the people on it are insanely good, and i cant say i like the fact that you dont respawn. out f the two and a half horus i played it earlier, i got a grand total of 4 kills... so, i'll have to try more later and see if i cant get better a it.