Where do you find PSP slims and what are the advantages of haveing one. I heard that there intial memoey is 62 mb so its faster and that it is 33.3% lighter; is that true?
The makers of world of warcraft and Dave something are talking about making a Warcraft movie.they are going to put the orcs,blood elfs,night elfs,dwarves,gnomes,humans,undead,and trolls along with many other creatures into this film. It will be a very good movie by the looks of the game!!
Is it legal to go onto one of those sites that let you download free games,movies,music, and softwares that change your psp into a radio and pda and crap like that. I want to know because it sounds cool but i'm trying to keep a clean slate.
Runescape isn't really a good place to go to find a good game.One fact without a very good and upgraded virus detector and virus destroyer then you'll be piled and piled by many undetectable trogan horses, backdoors,and much more. Another thing is many people on that site try to hack you and steal you of your well deserved pay if you become a member.(Which is the only thing that makes it fun.) I for one heard that one person bought a brand new computer,state of the art and played that game, he was good with all his protection untill some very virus broke through and crashed his computer. Telling people here are rude and ignore you if you don't have the gold to pay for info and items. But there are still some people who are nice and you probaly won't get a virus untill you are known in the top like 10,000 or something.(Which isn't really that hard to get.)
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