go buy an xbox 360 or ps3 seriosly bro buying another psp just cuz u got it scratched is a waste of money and if you bought those systems already buy an ipod touch, im trying to sell my psp cuz they suck, im bored as hell right now
187Mobster's forum posts
i downloaded it off the marketplace when my cousin stole my old disc then i let him have it, i downloaded halo 1 and every time i try playing it, its says cant play game, it was working when i first launched it but now i keep getting a message saying can't play halo combat evolved.
can sum1 help me
i guess u better tell yo grandma to get broadband for christmas!
its probably ur connection, try unplugging ur router and modem and leave it off for a while then turn it back on and see if it works
well this sux it doesnt hav online oh well and monster hunter freedom unite got announced too for spring 2009
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