This is exactly what Nintendo deserves for making BS copyright claims on Youtube videos forcing lots of videos to be shutdown, after this and the removal of online pass I'm definetly going to reconsider buying EA games from now on.
VGA GOTY - The walking dead, Destructoid GOTY - The walking dead, IGN GOTY - Journey, Gamespot GOTY- Journey. Interesting how the more well known/played AAA games missed out this year to 2 originally digital games that eventually went to retail, oh well I'm just happy the overrated ME3 missed out on GOTY by the major game reviewing sites.
This is the only game I'm considering pre-ordering, survivor mode looks cool to me and being a big Aliens fan the thought of playing as an alien in MP is the main reason I'll probably get this title.
@shadowhunter0 Do you not understand by now that I couldn't care less where winter is going to be, it varies worldwide so therefor it's rendered meaningless to explain such a description to a worldwide audience is pointless and they could easily say coming in X ammount of months or Feb-March or whatever instead of just addressing only the american's as usual.
They do the same thing when they talk about prices too, even if they do mean only amerian then he should say "winter america" or "$60 american" and hell I'm only guessing he's referring to america!
@shadowhunter0 Not sure what you mean by U.S. "SIDE" (if there are other sides I would genuinely like to know)but yes I realize most people who run Gamespot are more than likely american but this is a website where everyone from all over the planet come to get their gaming info, personally I'm in New Zealand so referring to seasonal releases in America means nothing to me. My point being he's addressing people all over the world like were all American's and were obviously not, I'm just saying this isn't the second largest gaming website because only american's come here ;)
Due out this winter? You do realize this is the WORLD wide web Eddie? Were not all American's here, winter just finished where I live so I'll assume I don't have to wait a whole year for this to be released..
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