I went to my local EBgames store to buy Xenosaga (prequel to the best JRPG game ever made, Xenogears) and guess what?
Well, I entered the store and noticed a huge crowd of people playing something on a 23" Samsung LCD 720p HDTV. I got close and what do you know... it was the Xbox360!
They were playing Kameo which, graphically, looked no better than a good old Dreamcast game. My GameCube displays better graphics than that. Yuk!
Then a bunch of casuals started taking turns playing Call of Duty 2. They were raving about how great the graphics and AI were. I couldn't believe that they actually thought the game looked amazing. If they were amazed by that then I guess they willl wet their pants once they see what the PS3 is capable of. So I have no doubt in my mind... PC is for the hardcore. Casuals don't know that PC gaming exist and therefore can't judge the XB360 graphics properly.
When I got my turn to play the Xbox360 the first thing I noticed were the controls. The XB360 controller is not as great as people said it was. The COD2 demo on the 360 is exactly the same one that I played on the PC, so I did a comparison. I'll explain that now.
I beat the COD2 PC demo on the hardest difficulty setting without dying once. But when I played the 360 version (in easy mode I guess) it was very hard. The problem was the controller. The graphics looked exactly (and I mean exactly) the same as in my PC. But aiming well was night imposible. I expected more after hearing so many people say that the Xbox controller is great for fps games. But the truth is that it isn't. Anybody that says otherwise clearly has never played with K&M, which is a must for first person shooters.
So in conclusion Call of Duty 2 is orders of magnitude better on my PC than on the Xbox 360 for two reasons. 1) It has the same exact graphics, and 2) Keyboard and Mouse are way way way way way way waaaaayy better for FPS games than console controllers.
I'm so glad that I cancelled my Xbox360 preorder after X05 flopped. The 360 is clearly not for me, or for any other PC gamer for that matter. Now I have no doubt in my mind that Ken Kutaragi was 100% right. The Xbox 360 is really an Xbox 1.5