I learned today thanks to a phone call by my friend zeo_max that Hilary Duff is finally, for the first time ever, coming to Puerto Rico to give us a concert.
I went into a state of extreme panic and my nerves were about to break!
I was sweating as if I had just participated in an olympic event!
I inmediately logged on to the ticket pop website to buy the best ticket available. The website was crapping on me and it rejected my purchase many times. But I didn't give up. I kept trying even though my hands were shaking as if I had just drank 2 liters of coffee. Then, after much trying, I was finally able to make the purchase. I managed to buy an arena ticket, it cost me $125 but it was well worth it. I'm so ****ing happy now!
The concert is on November 13th at 2:00pm. I'll be the first in line. :)