I went browsing my favorite videogame imports store and I came across 2 godly things: The NeoGeo Pad and the Sega Saturn Pad. I was like... OMFG!!!!! THEY ARE FOR THE PLAYSTATION!!!!!!!!! So I took about an hour to decide which one to buy. It is obvious that the Saturn one is the sleekest and most beautiful of the two. But I decided to buy the NeoGeo one because it is much more of a "classic". Also there is no better feeling than playing King of Fighters and Metal Slug with a controller that has SNK written on it. I'll use the contoller for my PS2 fighting games and for my NeoGeo games (emulated on my PC). I'll use one of those PS2-to-PC controller adapters so that I can play King of Fighters '98 (my favorite SNK fighter) in all it's classic glory.
Here are the Playstation controllers. These replicas are perfect!
And if you prefer Arcade Sticks then wet yourself with the Neo Geo Stick 2! I myself am not a fan of arcade sticks though.