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So i went to South Coast Plaza (socal) and got to get my hands, or rather eyes on, sonys new 3dTVs. At first i was pretty excited to see what they had to offer, especially since Sony made such a stink about 3d during their E3 press conference. All i have to say is that it did not live up to the hype. Yes, you can see in 3d, but that doesnt mean that it is a good thing. I am pretty sure that people that purchase a 3dTV are going to have some crucially messed up eyesight in later years. Something just does not seem right when youre wearing those clunky-but-at-the-same-time-trying-to-be-hip glasses, there is almost a kind of strain on your retinas.

And this also made me start thinking about another thing, what about people that already have to wear glasses because they already have bad eyesight? Guess theyre out of the equation from the get-go. It is not like sony is going to start making prescription 3d glasses or anything. All in all i think this going to fail just as 3d comics ultimately failed in the 1950s.