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DLC. My newest enemy

Today I logged onto gamespot to see what is new in the gaming world, like I do every other day, and something really struck the wrong chord. On the home page was a link for the new trailer for Red Dead Redemption, DLC named "Undead Nightmare." This looks to be like new missions involving John Marston in the wild west, but instead now he's killing....you guessed it, zombies.

**I am just going to say this right now, I do not own RDR and I do not plan on buying it any time soon (even if my RROD 360 did work).

"Outlaws to the end" DLC was released as a free download that added co-op missions and really kept players involved in the game. Excellent desicion. I really did not have any problems with the next two DLC that was realeased (besides the fact that they should also be free), because Rockstar San Diego made key improvements, added a lot of multiplayer extras, and at the same time kept the integrity and the theme of the game strong. But now seeing this zombie expansion is showing that even though this game has only been out for about five months, Rockstar San Diego has already ran out of ideas.

Now I understand that Halloween is right around the corner, and from a marketing point-of-view this would be probably the best time to release something of this nature, but at the same time where is the pride? The developers are after our wallets and given the current craze with the undead as of late, why not just throw a zombie themed DLC in the mix? It's only $10. This is a game that more than likely is going to Game of the Year, and up until now it had my vote.

Now for the real rant

Most DLC are not worth the points it costs to purchse them. IMO these developers are already making millions off of us, the gamers, and they should release this DLC as a thanks to the consumers, not make us spend more as a thanks to them for creating it. Usually DLC is just minor improvements to the game that should have been made before the game was even shipped. It is really hard to understand that people can really dish out extra money on a game for something that should of already been there in the first place.

Now I also understand that there is DLC out there that gives you more than your money's worth, but that very few and far between. A good example, and i want to keep this brief, is GTAIV Liberty City Stories. This game has only required two DLC packs and it has already been out for 2 more years than RDR. At this rate RDR will have at least 4 more DLC's be released in that time,and on top of it all they probably won't be that great either. The consumer is looking at almost $80 in DLC alone...that's crazy.