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Nintendos 2002 cartel case. Fine cut to 158.2 million USD

If you didn't remember Nintendo was in 2002 found guilty of fixing markets to keep prices artificially high.

That makes me wonder why we love them so damn much? Oh, thats right, because they embrace the majority of fans from when they are children. Who would say their mothers is a bad person? Well they sure as hell like our money

Any way here it is:

"LUXEMBOURG (Reuters) - A top European court cut on Thursday a fine imposed on Nintendo for colluding with distributors to prevent consumers getting products cheaply, saying the Japanese games-maker had cooperated in the case.

The European Court of First Instance cut the size of the fine to 119.24 million euros ($158 million) from 149.128 million, and said in a news release the company had produced "relevant documents" during the procedure.

The court, Europe's second highest, also reduced to 500,000 euros from 1 million a fine on distributor CD-Contact Data, but upheld the 4.5 million euros fine on Japanese trading company Itochu Corp for their respective roles.

Nintendo said in a statement that it welcomed the court's decision to reduce the fine.

"Nintendo intends to study the Court of First Instance's ruling in detail, but reserves the right to take its appeal against the quantum of this fine to the European Court of Justice," the company said.

Nintendo said in a statement the case centred around infringements of rules relating to importing but did not involve an illegal cartel.

The European Commission imposed a total fine of 167.8 million euros ($221.4 million) on Japan's Nintendo and seven distributors in Europe in 2002 for colluding to prevent exports to high-priced countries from low-priced countries.

The Commission said consumers had the right to buy Nintendo products at the lowest price the market could offer in any European Union country, especially when prices differed widely, with Britain up to 65 percent cheaper than Germany and the Netherlands"


What we expect from games

Why do we play games? Why is it that millions of people have spent (or wasted, some might say)billions of hours on electronic entertainment. With the stylish No More Heroes still fresh in my memory one could say it is to become number one! Pokémon: become a pokémon master. Battlefield: beat the other team, get top score. Any racing game; I think you get it.

Back in the days before my time, actually games were something you played in the arcades or you had an Atari in your bedroom. The games didn't have a story and if they did they could be told in a single sentence. Today games (and it is a must for AAA titles) are long and cinematic. The stories might as well be printed as novels. A real game today has this kind of story because if they don't they aren't real games. Then they are just arcade/minigames and not central in the gaming industry. At this point I have to be careful (Super smash bros. etc.) But really look at the biggest games at this time:

Bioshock had a massive plot that also reached back in time of its unfolding.

Halo 3 - I haven't played it but need I say more?

Call of Duty 4 was war, almost two places at a time.

All of these are to say the leased more than a Space Invaders scenario. When we sit down and play it is often like stepping into an interactive movie; we want to be entertained on a very high level.

Another thing these three games have in common is their good graphics. An ever expanding concept, none the less does these stand out. Some argue that it is all about gameplay or perhaps that graphics doesn't really matter, but candy in a shiny wrapper is more likely to sell well. Games get rated by their looks as much as everything else and I have never seen a game with over-the-top graphics that had bad sales. On the other hand that may be because pretty games have huge budgets and therefore automatically have the means to ensure success.

This isn't suppose to be a "retro gaming is dying" post but what has happened? Big companies try hard to make gaming cool and mainstream, if they haven't already succeeded. If you have ever looked at an Xbox360 commercial or a big event (launch - MTV) you see slim people wearing modern cloth, not shy nerds with pizza on their t-shirt. (They had Frodo unveiling it!) Kind of like McDonald's burger boxes. It has become a huge industry with plenty of potential. As such the games have to look like it.

I am not saying that anyone play games because it is cool, but rather that some start to because it is less uncool.

Man has always found ways to keep them entertained. Games in some form have existed since ancient times. At some point we would entertain us by playing Game&Watch which surely was revolutionary. But is it only about passing time? Could there be more that motivates us to become number one - other than the satisfactory sense it gives to get to the top? Personally a part of it is to go through an interesting story. Like an interactive book. But perhaps the simple answer really is the small satisfaction from completion that drives us to play games. Why ask? Because just as you look at it, it may seem a little pointless. All the hack´n slash that cost countless of virtual men's lives got you to the top, but then what?