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Sony has arguably the best lineup for 08'

* denotes uncertain release date


Killzone 2................. Burnout: Paradise

Metal Gear Solid 4..... Devil May Cry 4

Haze........................ Grand Thef Auto IV

Killzone 2.................. Saboteur

Little Big Planet.......... Ghost Busters

White Knight Chronicles*..... Resident Evil 5*

Final Fantasy XIII*....... Turok

Final Fantasy XIII Versus *.... Soul Caliber IV

The Agency.................. Star Wars: force unleashed

Heavy Rain*................. Prototype

God of War 3 *.............. Borderlands

2 unnanounced titles by rockstar*..... Mercenaries 2

Afrika........................... Midnight Club L.A.

Eigh Days*.................... Saints Row 2

Gran Turismo 5.............. Fallout 3

Hot Shots Golf 5

Tekken 6

The Getaway 3*



Far Cry 2*


Do you want to add to this list? let me know if I missed any of the must play games and I will post them..

Soap Box

A new generation of consoles has descended upon us. Microsoft was first to the market with the xbox 360, the following year witnessed entries by both the almighty sony corp. and the legendary nintendo corp. From the get go debates over which console would reign supreme flared up, it wouldnt be long before full out verbal battles were waged over the information super highway. This unique debating led to a new term being coined. Fanboy, what is a fanboy. Usually its thrown around as an effort to hurt anothers feelings, but fanboy is actually a reference to someone who's allegiance to a certain console is very apparent. These people usually stretch truths and take rumors read on the internet and twist them to fit their agenda. Most of them hold heavy biased opinions about a competing console regardless of whether they have even played that console. Why motivates people to act like this? In my honest opinion I think it has everything to do with history. Never before in the video game industry have multiple consoles survived. Every console generation has seen a console fail, so what makes consumers think it will be different. We'll it will be, look at the sheer number of gamers that the adopted the ps2. 130 million and counting. How many of these gamers never bought a console before the ps2. I feel that every year more and more people become gamers. Theres no reason to think that all three consoles cant survive in today's market. Sony at the moment has just broken the 10 million barrier and alot of people think that the ps3 will fail this generation but there are millions of gamers around the world that have yet to buy a new generation console. Dont count sony out, last time that happened they dethroned the once mighty nintendo. I say we come back to this debate a year from now when sony has enjoyed two full years at market and see where we stand....