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Sony has arguably the best lineup for 08'

* denotes uncertain release date


Killzone 2................. Burnout: Paradise

Metal Gear Solid 4..... Devil May Cry 4

Haze........................ Grand Thef Auto IV

Killzone 2.................. Saboteur

Little Big Planet.......... Ghost Busters

White Knight Chronicles*..... Resident Evil 5*

Final Fantasy XIII*....... Turok

Final Fantasy XIII Versus *.... Soul Caliber IV

The Agency.................. Star Wars: force unleashed

Heavy Rain*................. Prototype

God of War 3 *.............. Borderlands

2 unnanounced titles by rockstar*..... Mercenaries 2

Afrika........................... Midnight Club L.A.

Eigh Days*.................... Saints Row 2

Gran Turismo 5.............. Fallout 3

Hot Shots Golf 5

Tekken 6

The Getaway 3*



Far Cry 2*


Do you want to add to this list? let me know if I missed any of the must play games and I will post them..