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#1 1Lonehawk
Member since 2005 • 873 Posts

It's Activision. They just don't care one iota about PC gamers for some reason. You won't see a patch or any support from them.

I boycotted them back in 2003 and will never give them a cent of my money again. They are simply one of the, if not thee worst examples of a game company as far as PC games go.

They don't stop at "not supporting" their games, they actually buy independant company's games, only to turn around and stop all support for them.

I agree with what one poster said, game company's should be legally responsible for patching their games until they work as intended. Putting out a "broken" game (even if only slightly) should be a criminal offense on the same level as fraud imho.

But don't hold your breath. The corporations are the ones really running things nowadays. They get and do what they want and no one, not even the government (who are in the pockets of the corps anyways) can or will do anything about it.

My approach is to just stick with games by companies that have a reputation and track record for having some ethics and a sense of responsibility and caring towards their customers, and just not patronize the rest of them. That's the best thing we can do; just don't give your money to the crap companys. If enough of us did that, they would fall and go away and we'd only have the good ones left. :)

"Down with the man!.....and his bosses!!" :x

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#2 1Lonehawk
Member since 2005 • 873 Posts

Just my 2 cents worth but BG series is definitely worth playing.

It's the "Godfather" or "Grandfather" of all RPGs, not because it came first or anything, but because it "earned" that title.

I'm a big RPG fan and I've played lots of them and had a lot of fun with many different titles, but nothing has ever, and I mean ever, captivated and held me like the BG games did.

If they re-made the BG series with today's graphics (like Dragon Age Origins graphics would be good enough for me) even if they did not change or add squat to it, I'd pay like a 100 bucks easy to be able to replay that series with today's awesome graphics.

As it is, I just picked up the whole series again off amazon for like 19 bucks (BG 1 and 2 + expansions) and plan to replay the whole darn thing again just because I'm fed up and have given up (after many years) of trying to find a game that even comes close.

This time though, going to go through as pure magic user type as my main (always played fighter types back in the day). :D

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#3 1Lonehawk
Member since 2005 • 873 Posts

So i came up with this STUPID idea.

It was so stupid

Steam was having a sale on LEFT 4 DEAD 2 so i thought

*some people wanna use ebay bucks or something like that to buy games*

So i came up with a brilliant idea.

It is 6.49$ on steam and I am gifting them on ebay for 7.50$!!!

I've sold 28 so far.

Looks like Fallout new vegas is coming EARLY this year.


Good idea. Keep thinking like that and you'll be a "somebody" some day. :P

Thing about good ideas though is that they are easily stolen and improved upon (there's always someone better out there).

So if you want your ideas to go longer and farther, don't be so eager for recognition or a pat on the back.

"Pride goes before destruction, and an overconfident spirit before a fall." Keep that in mind and you'll go far young Jedi. :)

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#4 1Lonehawk
Member since 2005 • 873 Posts

First video/computer game I ever played was Pong. Yep, Pong. I was six, visiting my aunt and uncle in Germany with my parents. The Wall was still up. You could look over it and see russians armed with AK-47's (or russion equivalent, I know nothing 'bout guns) garding it. My uncle had it on some contraption, I can barely remember if it was self contained or displayed on a TV, I just remember playing it and thinking it was amazing.

The first "real" PC game I played was Scorched, or Scorched Earth...something like that. 2 tanks on 2 hills that would take turns taking shots at each other's hills, blasting away the dirt. You tried to make your opponents tank fall to it's death. :lol: Me and a friend of mine used to play countless hours on that game after *cough* having a *cough* smoke and laughing our behinds off till we were in tears. Aaaaaah, the good old days. :D

It almost makes me sad to remember that actually, it would be so cool if there were more games where 2 people could play using just one computer. (I know, I know, but I'm talking PCs here, not consoles!) :P

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#5 1Lonehawk
Member since 2005 • 873 Posts


Fallout 3 isn't an RPG?


Well, it's nothing like the first two Fallout. I bet the same people who don't consider Fallout 3 a RPG, are the ones who also don't believe that of Oblivion. I enjoy all forms of "RPGs". In fact it has become tiresome hearing these elitists think that the term (proper) "RPG" should only be saved to describe games such as Baldur's Gate. All I can say is, Get over yourself, will you!

Just because someone has an opinion about something, it doesn't automatically make them an "elitist". They are just sharing an opinion, or their own perspective on something.

No offense, but by instantly judging someone because of their opinion and labeling them something that is obviously meant to be derogatory, I'd say that makes you the one that needs to get over themselves.

The TC asked for opinions. Why not do the novel thing and share opinions without flaming people for having them, especially when they are "asked for."

Peace and respect all. :)

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#6 1Lonehawk
Member since 2005 • 873 Posts

I wouldn't worry about which one to get. If your girlfriend is a big Sims fan, I'm sure she'll appreciate either one. Just get the one that's available. If both are available and you can afford it, get here both! :)

In the end, it's the thought that counts right? And like I said, if she's really a big fan of the game, she'll like either one.

Good luck. :)

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#7 1Lonehawk
Member since 2005 • 873 Posts

This is just my personal opinion, but here goes....

To me, a RPG is a game where you the player get to play a "role" in the story. Also, the depth and complexity of the game and the effect the role you as the player have and how it effects the game are factors that, to me, make it a true RPG.

Action games eg. hack-n-slash, FPS etc. are just that, action games. Sure, you can technically say that in any game you are "playing a role" but that's a technicality, a semantic, but not true to the original intended meaning or understanding of what an RPG is.

Eg. (classic example here), Baldur's Gate was a role playing game. You made a unique character and you played a "role" in the story, not just action wise, but you were part of the story and effected how the story played out.

Diablo on the other hand, you didn't make such a unique character and it didn't really matter how you made your way through the game, it played out the same way no matter what. You didn't really have a role, you just played the game.

So, technicalities aside, I would say true RPGs are rare and if I had to put myself into a classification (which I don't really like to. I also just like to play a game if it's fun regardless of what "genre" it technically is) I'd have to say I was a Western RPG puritan.

Just my 2 cents worth to add to the discussion. :)

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#8 1Lonehawk
Member since 2005 • 873 Posts

Canadians are the smartest eh. We've mastered the 1001 uses for duct tape! Who else can say that!?? :P

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#9 1Lonehawk
Member since 2005 • 873 Posts

I thought Natural Selection was when you only ate "organic" foods. :P

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#10 1Lonehawk
Member since 2005 • 873 Posts

I'm old fashioned. I buy boxed versions of games I want to play, no exceptions. I want to be able to play them even years from now if I want to. Whether it's because it was so much fun I want to do it again, or I just never had the time to get around to playing the full game or whatever.

I don't mind a company protecting their product, that's not unreasonable. I've been lucky, I have not bought or wanted any games that have this, but, if a game would only allow me to play it while I was online, even though it's technically an offline SP game, I would NEVER buy that. That's ridiculous. If my internet goes down, or my net card has failed or whatever, but I still wanna relax and play my game for the weekend until I get my internet going again.....I can't because I can't get online? That's going too far.

Again, luckily, I've never had to deal with that issue, but after reading about here from some posters, I'm amazed anyone would patronize such a company. Just on principle alone, I would never let a company tell me when I can and cannot play a game I've paid for. Regardless of whether I own it or not, I should be able to do what I've "PAID" for and that is play the darn thing when I want to play it.

The only other thing I don't like is having to have a CD in the drive to play a game, thereby causing (however minor) constant wear and tear on the CD and my CD drive itself. But that's just a minor irritation I can put up with.

Bottom line though, if DRM doesn't bother people now, it sure will soon. It's going beyond "protecting a product" to the realm of the company telling you when, where, how, how long, how often and etc you can use that product. Essentially making you, make the choice to give up certain freedoms and liberties by purchasing their product.

Sorry, no thanks. I'd rather go without a product than have them tell me how to live with it.

(My Jeep being the possible exception to that rule though! :lol: )

Just my 2 cents worth. :)