Chicken Little: Ace in Action and Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
by 1Wiifan on Comments
I thought I might update on my profile how far I've delved into these games. In TP I've made it to the third temple in the game the Water temple. I've almost completed it. In least I think I have...Minda keeps on telling me that we're almost done. I've heard that there's a lot more dungeons after this one and Minda was simply lying. So, after twenty-six hours of play time I have yet to even make a dent in the game! WOW! Yet, after all this time I'm still having a blast playing it! Though, I do find playing as the Wolf and tad tedious. Moving on to Chicken Little I've almost completed part one of the game. It's seperated into four parts. Each of these parts take place on a different planet and contain six chapters. Within each chapter your either playing as Runt, Ace, or Abby (that duck). I'm not particularly fond of the character of Runt or Abby. They just seem so boring to me and also have horrible voice acting. But, of course the star of the game is Ace and he makes up for them. But, then again he is voiced by an actual T.V. star. While Runt and Abby are people we've never heard of with minimal acting experience. Moving, on the gameplay it's all good except for Abby's terrible levels. Obviously, the developers tried to implant to much Wii-motion into the game. For, with Abby your raising the nunchunk up and down and shaking the Wiimote insanely. This should have the outcome of something fun. But, unfornatly it comes out as the complete oposite of that. Though, Ace and Runts levels are great nothing could make up for the catosphary that Abby's levels really are. Now, as much as I don't want to I'm afraid that I must end the blog post here. It's turning into somewhat of a review. Seeing, I haven't completed the game yet I have no right to call Abby's levels terrible. Though from previous experience they sure didn't remind me of anything fun. They might begin to improve as I further through the game. Expect, a review for Chicken Little in the coming weeks. You can also probably expect a review for TP sometime this summer. Because, seeing that I've had the game since the end of December. It's probably going to take me a while to beat it. Thus ends my longest blog post EVER!