I was beginning think that Crash and Spyro were dead. I was beginning to think that there was no way that they'd ever have a decent game again. I was beginning to think that Crash and Spyro's games from the Playstation would be the only ones worth any kind of remembrance. Yes...I was beginning to think that these two mascots that I grew up with were just going to fade away. Into just one thing 'memories'. Perhaps, I've been wrong. To fully understand my point one must take a look at the two upcoming Crash and Spyro games. I'll begin with Crash. Crash's upcoming title goes by the title of 'Crash of the Titans'. One might say that this is a bit of a cheesy name. To that I say 'yes'. But, in least it's not called that title it was recently rumored to be 'Crash Landing of the Titans'. Anyway, on to what gives this game so potential. First, up is it's gameplay. This gameplay looks to be one of the most creative efforts that I've seen from a Crash game in some time. This 'jacking' of enemies sounds like a very interesting concept. If done right it could quite possibly result in the best Crash game wie've had in years. If you haven't already read about the concept. I'll explain it for you apparently, Crash will be able to ride upon some enemies. When, he rides upon these enemies. He basically becomes their master and has complete control over them. With this full control comes this enemies set of moves. Which adds a whole lot to the stale moves that Crash has had for the past 5 games, (it might be more I didn't bother to check) These enemies that Crash gains the ability to control will help him accomplish a number of various tasks. Ranging from puzzles to simple things like fighting enemies. When Crash no longer requires these enemies then he can simply hop of them and become he's normal self. Crash, can even unlock costumes of these enemies allowing him to use these powers whenever he wishes. Second, there's multiplayer mode. Which is a feature notably lacking from Crash platformers. Apparently, the second player becomes a different color of Crash and aids the main player in the adventure. Finally, we have the thing that could undoubtly make this Crash the best yet. It's all in one word to! "Wii". Seriously, the Wii is going definetly make this Crash adventure one to remember. Your going to have so much more control. Along with a huge of jacked enemies at you disposal. There are so much countless control options that could result from this. That will undoubtly all turn out fun. But, of course for every positive there is a negative. I mean Gameplay could end up really crappy if these 'jacking' isn't done right. Whose, to say that all these 'jacked' creatures will have completly different abilities? If, rushed the developers could just make a whole bunch of clones of other enemies. Which could result in the gameplay getting really stale. Then, there's the multiplayer mode. It sounds great doesn't it? You and your friend going through a entire Crash game by together? One word...AWESOME! But, see the thing is from ceartin previews that I've read multiplayer may not end up. Becoming, the great experience you want it to be. Within, this Crash game there will be a few platforming segments. See, the problem these platforming segments is how you do them in multiplayer. Apparently, you take turns avoiding hazards. First player is controlling the two Crashes and he jumps over a enemey. Now, the second player is controlling the two Crashes they jump over a pit control switches to first player. This doesn't sound like a very ideal multiplayer experience to me. But, perhaps I'm just not understanding it and it'll turn out of great. Finally, theres the Wii. Lately, there have been a lot of rushed ports to the Wii. Resulting, in very bad motion sensing control or none at all. This could happen to Crash. Seeing, that the game was just annoced and it's coming out this September. Maybe, there wont be enough time to implant good motion controls. Of, course all these accussations could very well be proven false. I'm hoping that they are to because from what I've seen this Crash game looks very promising indeed. Now, I'd say moving on to Spyro. But, I'm finding myself unable to do so seeing that there are still no screenshots, no videos, no previews, or pretty much anything about the game at all. So, I'll be discussing Spyro at a later time.
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