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1nverted Blog

E3 has begun!

So far we have only seen the Microsoft conferance and already I've checked off 5 games for my "Must play 2009".

Bring on the Sony conferance!

Viva! Viva!

I went looking for a copy of Forza 2 on the weekend and the cheapest version I could find was actually a second hand 2 for 1 pack that included Forza 2 and Viva! I honestly never expected to play Viva Pinata at all, although after getting annoyed at Forza, I loaded it up.

Lets just say that what I thought would be a quick 10min play session turned out to be 5 and half hours straight. I'm really mad at myself for overlooking this title for so long! It's now one of my favourite games in my collection. I'm thinking of going out this weekend and buying the game in its original box and picking up a copy of Part Animals.

Sneaky sneaky...

I've been planning an awesome April Fools joke for this year, that's all I'm going to say for now. Stay tuned.

PC Woes..

I'm at a point now with my PC that upgrading any parts in it would result in a small performance increase, at best. However it's here that I've come to realise that trying to get my PC to run the latest games was half the fun for me. Now with the knowledge that my PC will max pretty much every game for the next year, the thrill I used to get from seeing my struggling PC cope with all the modern games is gone.

The challenge is gone...


Well, it's Sunday night, all I can do is count down the hours until I have to start work again tomorrown after my holiday break. I thought about drowing my sorrows but I think I will just have an early night and bite the bullet. :(

Yeah uhh, can I have a..umm blog with a side of PS3 thanks.

Ok my first blog, hmm well I bought a PS3 over the holidays and I have turned into a raving fanboy (lol not really), but this mean machine is great, far more technically advanced than my dear Xbox360 (which has been collecting dust since I bought my PS3 despite the fact I bought crackdown the day before) :(. Yeah, I bought this bad boy from Harvey Normal for $670 including Resistance and a HDMI cable, sweet deal I thought. Turns out the HDMI cable was faulty though hahaha. So far I have Resistance, Warhawk (which I got after taking Motorstorm back, although I miss Motorstorm now :( ) and Lair. I know I know, I bought Lair, but it's an amazing game, go read my review I just made to see how I feel about it.

Anyway, I am just starting to utilize some of the features that being a gamespot member allows me, hence the blog ect ect, good times though, good times.
