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1zenron1 Blog

The Fake Sound of Progress

Finally, I have made some progress on this site. I got my first added emblem, and I finally reached level 8. Next, I'm going to go for the 10 friends one. Although to be fair, it's not like these things actually mean anything, hence the title to this blog. It's also the name of an album by Lost Prophets. So yeah, win. Achievements in general don't mean anything, so it's pretty interesting to see why people obsess over them so much, including myself. I should google it.

There isn't actually a general point to this blog, I guess I'm just bored. I'm supposed to be doing my history coursework, but I can't be bothered. I'm bored, but I'm not that bored. I've already done it once, but answering the entire question with the word NO in big letters across the page apparently isn't good enough. Made me chuckle while handing it to the teacher though, so it was totally worth it. I guess I'm not making any progress with that either. I've written two pages so far and I already want to kill someone. Brutally.

For once in a blog post, I'm not going to post anything about games. Surprise! I'm going to post a little about me again instead, just to bore anyone reading, aka, Virtual_Price, because he's the only one who comments to these things. Go him!

Strange how I'm into a lot of different cultural arts and entertainments, especially all that asian stuff. Just another reason to think Japan is awesome. I'm half reading manga while I post this blog, while listening to a piano cover of a queen song. Weird aren't I? I like being different, being normal would be even more boring. How would you define normal anyway?

Something different as well to this blog post. I'm going to ask you all, the readers, a question. If you could have any super power whatsoever, what would you pick? I would have the power to controltime. It would have so many applications. Like stealing stuff, or in a fight. It would be completely badass.

I'll finish with a joke. It's pretty twisted though, but I'm going to post it anyway:

Some bloke at a bus stop earlier hit me on the legs with a stick for no reason.Naturally, I retaliated and beat the living **** out of him.Just for good measure, I kicked his Labrador as well.

End of blog. Stop reading now. Mmkay?

The Blog Write - PS Move

I'm really not the type of guy who writes a blog every two seconds about what I'm doing at every single moment, it's tedious and boring and I don't think anyone actually cares if I'm getting ready to go out? Unless you feel like stalking me...

The thing with blogs that always gets me is that I'll update it a bit and then I'll completely ignore it, I have a complete lack of caring. But it's nice to voice my thoughts sometimes. It's like my own personal diary, but everyone can read it. Wait, that doesn't sound all too great at all. Meh, I'll continue my random writings anyway.

So, I got Final Fantasy XIII on the xbox and I've already wracked up 30 hours on it. I'll admit that it has some weak points, but it's a great game. I'm not going to go into detail with it because I'll post a review. I also replayed crisis core and a bit of fallout since my last blog post, writing a review for both in the process. Even though it's only a PSP game, I think crisis core is the better of the two, and is really a testament to what Square Enix can when they aren't completely focusing on graphics.

But enough about them, let's talk about what I wanted to talk about today, the Sony Move. I'm pretty nervous about this and project Natal which is coming out for the 360. Motion controllers and all that. I play games to relax, not to dance around my bedroom like a chimpanzee with an addiction tocrack, so I'm nervous that it might take over. I don't want to move away from my controller. I don't think it worked on the wii, and I don't think it will work on other consoles. It has no lasting appeal, and once the novelty wears off, I'll be back to wanting to play games with the controller again. Sure, the sony move is more accurate and precise, but that doesn't mean it will actually be good.

Oh, and the name, just amazing. The greatest innovation since Nintendo decided to name there console after a bodily fluid. I mean, seriously? I bet Microsoft managers are like: "Why didn't we think of that? We should have called the 360 the xbox sit". I bet apple are annoyed that they went with the iPod instead of the apple listen. But hey, enough with the ranting, it's made me hungry. I'm going to go get in my families Toyota Drive and get a burger king eat(Cookie for anyone who gets what I'm talking about here).

Listening to : A Day to Remember

Game Playing : Final Fantasy XIII

Reading : A feast of Crows by George RR. Martin

I should probably put something here now

Y'know, I actually don't have anything to write here, so I'm hoping that my words will just flow into something people can actually understand. Not much luck there though. I normally just blabber on until I stumble across the point I'm trying to make. So, what to say.

I'll start off with an introduction. Hi, my name is Jack, but you can call me zenron, because I'm all cool and mysterious like that. I'm 15 but I'll be 16 in July. I love gaming. Simple as really, I've been playing since before I can remember. I remember playing on the old sega consoles, the megadrive and the dreamcast. Gotta love those awful graphics. Back in the days when sonic the hedgehog was actually good, and soul calibur was the best thing around. That was an awesome game though, and it totally deserved the 10 it got from gamespot. I'm also a huge fan of the final fantasyfranchise. Although I started playing at 10, I slowly worked my way back across the games, playing the legendary games that they were known for. I'meagerly awaiting the release of the next one on the 9th of March.

RPG's are my favourite as you probably noticed from my fanboyish attitude towards FF, but I also like the western RPG which has suddenly becomeprominentin the last couple of years. Oblivion, fallout 3, dragon age. I've played them all, and of course we are talking about console gaming, as we all know WRPG's have always been on PC, but I can't play them because I'm on a mac and it fails more than a toaster in a bathtub with a hot woman inside. Not saying my mac is bad, it's just that it fails at gaming. In pretty much every other way, mac > PC.

So, that's about it for now, till next time... if anyone is actually reading this crap, which I doubt. I'm not sure how anybody would really get around to actually seeing this, but that's probably because I have no idea how this site works. This site is like a really picky woman. Really complicated but doesn't give you the chance to work out what the **** you've done wrong. I tried to make lots and lots of tags so maybe people will look at it?