201513548177961181602738540415 Blog
by 201513548177961181602738540415 on Comments
So I got this message last night that was apparently sent to a whole union about a guy being gay. As it turns out, the thing was a joke, the guy left his account on and somebody else wrote and sent the message, but he said he got messages from 25+ people saying they were going to kill him because he's gay.
It's ignorance like that that drives me up the wall.
More New Games
by 201513548177961181602738540415 on Comments
New Game
by 201513548177961181602738540415 on Comments
As my birthday gift to myself, I bought Radiata Stories. I've heard it's pretty good, so now I'm going to go test it out and see!
If I get birthday money, I might be able to get more games... *rubs hands together evilly*
Addendum: All right, so far I'm digging it, although the redneck priest is smarter than me, so I'll have to do something about that. ;)
Silent Hill Movie
by 201513548177961181602738540415 on Comments
Halfway Point
by 201513548177961181602738540415 on Comments
Brain Busting
by 201513548177961181602738540415 on Comments
Addendum: Still haven't decided what difficulty setting to stick with. Why has my icon changed to say I'm a registered user? I don't remember registering...
I've decided to give Indigo Prophecy a whirl again. Man, is it a brain buster. Very intriguing, though. My main problem is that I want to keep replaying old scenarios to see how well I can do it. LoL
Slice 'Em and Dice 'Em
by 201513548177961181602738540415 on Comments
Doom 3
by 201513548177961181602738540415 on Comments
Addendum: I just shot a guy and I literally saw his brain FLY OUT of his head. Freaking sweet!
I just realized how much I appreciate this game. True, it's light on plot, and it's not particularly hard. But it is really a first-rate game for the pure adrenaline scare. I like that. It's really hard to games to scare me, and Doom does it very effectively. Here's to being huddled up in the dark with energy drinks and scary ugly monsters to blow up!
Did I mention that I have an unhealthy obsession with things blowing up as well?
And on one more note, check out the Doom movie. It's sweet!
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