Alright, let's get the boring stuff out of the way. Worked, came home, talked to Mindy, wrote something that was on my mind in my personal journal and it was 4 pages long, now here I am. Anyways, the following is my take and my predicament about next-gen. I posted this on the GGC hoping ot get some help, so this is a direct copy & paste of what I posted there.
Revolution is like the fiddler on the roof, it's a constant. I'm definitely getting it. But I'm probably only going to get one secondary system and I'm not sure which. I use to be a minor Sony fan, until my 3rd PS2 broke down just recently. And all this talk about Blu-ray makes the games sound like they are really going to be a sight to behold and experience, but this also tends to cause more money for development. I was going to get a PS3 just because of MGS4 alone, but recently for a reason I'd rather not discuss, I got completely off the series. There's only one thing left on PS3 that I want. Final Fantasy XIII.
I'm now worried however at Square-Enix's reliability. Let's face it, their best game thus far was X-2 and while a great game in it's own merit, it didn't really give me what other Final Fantasies have given me. Also, Minstrel Song in Japan has gotten good reviews, with Gamestats reporting a press average score of 8.4. Now 8.4 is usually a great game, but this is being made by the guys making the next Final Fantasy! I expect AAA status. But also, the GS hands-on states the game is more of an action-RPG rather than a standard turn-based one. Now I don't mind MUCH, considering I have no problem with either types of gameplay (though I prefer turn-based). Yet GS says it's a breath of fresh air and is looking pretty good. Simply put, the outcome of Final Fantasy XII will almost seal the deal for me to decide to buy a PS3 or not. I need to know of more noteworthy games coming out for the system. As much as I entirely love the FF series to death, I can't get by on just that alone. Not to mention that $400 predicted price tag doesn't make it look all the better.
Then you have 360, made by a company I equally hate. Yet unlike it's predecessor (forgive for bring SW in here a bit) the 360 actually HAS interesting looking games. It's getting two games from Mistwalker, the company headed up by the creator of the Final Fantasy series! Verrryyy interesting. But they've yet to prove their worth. You have Perfect Dark Zero, the prequel to the greatest first-person shooter ever made (IMO). Yet it's made by Rare, the company whose recent games live nowhere near up to games they have made in the days of yore. So like the two Mistwalker RPGs, this is also on the fence. Then you have Halo 3, the sequel to a bad FPS (if you don't have Live), which was the sequel to a great FPS! Argh! You have Oblivion, the sequel to Morrowind, which I hear many, many good things about. This game is certainly very interesting. 99 Nights also looks to be of good quality. There are other interesting looking games as well.
So right now, I'm actually leaning towards 360, which I'm shocked to find myself saying as I've always been against Microsoft. But it doesn't matter who makes the system, it's all about the games. And as of right now, 360 is winning that battle. The PS3 on the other hand, looks expensive, and I'm worried about its fragility. I also don't really know of any exclusives hitting the system that I'm very much interested in, other than FFXIII. In the end, all I can do is wait. Just wait until both consoles show what they got and see who has the better-rated and more interesting games. Meanwhile, I'll be sitting nice and cozy with my GC, my PS2 (which I plan to purchase days before FFXII releases, as well as getting FFXII myself), and my DS with a very strong list arriving this Q4 and spilling into Q1 2006. As well as a rather large GBA library that's gone untouched by me, and will probably remain so considering everything else I have on my hands.
Edit: Metroid Prime review is done. Tried my best.
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