Awwwww..... It always feels good to know when someone is thinking about you, especially when that somebody is so significant in your life. And because she means so much to me, it's like infinity times as great knowing. Mmmmm..... I miss her :(
She also did a whole bunch of other stuff with her friend. Didn't get to talk to her much, but it's nice to know she was thinking about me even when she's having fun.
So today was fun! Youth group was a blast! We had like this water wars thing and it was a lot of fun! Very silly and wacky stuff. "A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." Then we had service and I won a fancy pants water pistol! Six people came up (including me) and they were asked how many times the word "worship" appears int he Bible and I won by quite a large margin. It wa 198 and I said 192. Other people's we like below 100 and above 250. But yeah I won it! I think this is the first "contest" thing I ever won! So yay me! Mindy gave me gum and near the end of service, after we prayed, I was seriously TIRED of having it in my mouth. I'd rather hold it in my hand than in my mouth. Well it was very sticky and "stringy" and when I had it in my hand, I couldn't get it off. So I use my other hand to help, but in a cartoon-like fashion, that made things worse. The fingertips for both of my hands were covered in gum. I didn't want anyone to know so I curled my hands together as to not be noticeable. And then I had my friend Gustavo just put all my stuff on the breadth of my arm. Then when I was nearing the gym door, I saw a friend of mine named Mr. Ferrin and he ALWAYS shakes hands with me. So I try rush, but that causes my newly procured watergun to fall. I didn't care anymore, I quickly picked it up with one of my hands (which was still technically attached to the other via the gum) and ran to the bathroom to get all the gum off. I felt like I was in a sitcom.
So I plan on playing some more Tales of Symphonia tonight! Night all!