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I'm sick of it! I'm letting go...

of all my M rated games. I'm tired of asking myself questions when I play games like Resident Evil 4 or MGS. I'm tired of asking myself, "Is this really something I should be playing? Is this something Jesus, the Lord of my life, would approve of?" and then let satan silence the Holy Spirit and refrain me from doing anything. I came back from youth group and in it, the band kept playing this one song, talking about letting go because it's all about Him. And in my mind the only thing going through my head was all the times I've said "I'm never getting rid of Metal Gear Solid!" All those times just kept getting played back in my head again and again. And I was also thinking of all the times my dad watched me play games like MGS and said "Is this what you're playing? These bloody and violent games?" and to justify myself, I pointed out all the times he watched WWII clips and such. You can't justify your wrongs with what other people have done. You can't. So here's the list of games I sold

  • Metal Gear Solid 3: snake Eater
  • Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
  • Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance
  • Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes
  • Resident Evil 4
And I planned on selling Eternal Darkness, but I forgot I left it in my GC and I was in a rush because GameStop was closing down. I'll sell it probably on Monday, because tomorrow I have work to do! No I didn't get hired, but I'll get into that a bit later. So after cutting through some red tape I sold the right ones for cash and the others for store credit so I could buy Kirby: Canvas Curse, yet still have enough left to tithe my recent gain. So now I have Kirby: Canvas Curse! I haven't played it yet, but I will.

Now you may be asking me that since I blew my money on Kirby, how do I expect to get Meteos. Well at youth I ran into my principal and she asked me if I had any free time during the summer. And she told me that she'll provide all the alcohol and tools and everything and I clean all the upstairs lockers. If I spend all day on it, it SHOULD only take me one day (tomorrow, which I can't talk to Mindy so it's perfect); if not I can come on Saturday as well because she's going to Animal Kingdom with her family. So they provide the tools, I work, and get $50 out of it. So that's enough to get Meteos and tithe and give to missions and the rest is going to the my college fund. I'm also going to apply at two more GameStops early tomorrow morning because (according to my brother) it looks more professional and in the morning is when all the managers are there.

Then after that, I'm heading to my school and work as much as I can, but still give a top-notch job. Then Friday I can finally talk to Mindy (I saw her tonight, and I gave her a note + my first ever poem (I just hope she doesn't laugh at it :P) + a stuffed moose that I picked up in Canada for her. Then Saturday I either work all day or go in and finally get rid of Eternal Darkness. Then Sunday is church and talking to Mindy, then everything goes back to normal.

P.S. Recently my neatness when typing has certainly cleaned up!! I use to have an average of 7 or 8 spelling errors in entries of about ^ length, but amazingly, I only found one or two! I also notice a drastic decrease in errors in my posts and other things.