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off and on all day...

in prayer. After getting off GS I spent the whole day off and on praying for me and Mindy. She just called me and we spoke a little bit and thanks J-Freak for saying "Keep on keepin' on" in your last entry, I told her how you said it in response to my entry and she laughed quite a bit. Later on when things got more serious, I used it again as a bit off a mood shifter. In the begining we were like "Hey. What's on your mind? What'd you do all day?" but then later on in our roughly ten minute conversation she was crying because she was so grief-stricken. She says how she doesn't know what part God needs to take off, because in her perspective this is "pruning" from God as mentioned in Matthew where the dead branches (bad characterics) are cut off and while this hurts the plant for the time being, it's for the better of it eventually. She views this situation as the same. So then I try to give her wisdom and cheer her up. She said she was going to call her friend again to see if you she was there, because she needs it. She needs someone to be there with her, other than me. She said if there's time left she'll call me back. Immediately after I got off the phone I prayed. I would have been in tears, but I ran out of those last night. I then got on the comp to type this up. The phone rings... She just called again and throughout the whole thing we were just saying how we need to pray for each other, and we need to talk to our respective youth pastors by gender. I prayed immediately after I got off again, and this time, one tear came out. My desire to see His will accomplished, supersedes my own. "Before we can pray, 'Thy kingdom come' we must be willing to pray, 'My kingdom go.'" - Alan Redpath. And it's true. No matter what I want, His will and His plan needs to be done. No matter how thick the fog gets, the light will always be there for me to follow, and that's what I intend to do. No matter the obstacles that are along my path, I know I can rely on Him to give me strength and to make it through. For at the end is He, and all that He has prepared for me.