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Wow... This week is seemingly one of my worst

My dad left Sunday, Mindy's grounded from the phone and internet until either Friday or Saturday, my brother recently moving in has been nothing but a hassle, and this Saturday my EB games closes, the one video game store I know that wouldn't cheat me. This week has just been dandy! :roll: :P You'd think I'd be upset in the midst of all this, but I'm really not.

Anyways, I beat Minish Cap while on my trip to Canada if I haven't already mentioned that, and know I've gone back to playing Eternal Darkness to get all the endings.Supposedly the ending on the 4th time through is like "teh awesomest thing evar!" so naturally I have to validate this. I've also decided to skip Kirby: Canvas Curse and get Meteos instead, when it comes out that is.

Yesterday was also "job search day." I applied at a Publix (I don't know if you guys have those), an Albertson's, and two GameStops (one of them was located in the mall and the clerk and I spoke long on video games and I "showed off" my extensive video games knowledge, hoping that'll make me more appealing for any future employment. But yes our conversation was quite riveting and enjoyable), and I ATTEMPTED to apply at my EB but that's when they told me they're closing down. They're not moving, they're closing down... That really does stink, now I'm going to have to go with the questionable quality of my local GS... I might have to go to another GS. Also I was wearing this shirt (it's Abercrombie) that makes my head swell to no end because when I wear it I get this overbearing feeling all the ladies are checking me out (even though I know they aren't). But I could have been so sure that the GS clerk at the other GS was flirting with me... IT could be the shirt or my imagination, but I was sure of it... *shrugs* it doesn't matter, unless they hire me an dI work with her and she really was hitting on me. Then I'd have to watch myself and make sure not to be in the same room alone with her at any time. But like I said, the chances of her actually flirting with me, and THAT GS hiring me, AND me working the same hours as her, are all very, very slim. But enough of this boring chatter about my misguiding cockiness, off to the forums! See you guys!

P.S. I have a new header dedicated to surprise surprise, Relient K. I recommend you get Mmmhmm, it's really good.

P.P.S. I look on the GS listings and what do I see!?!? My most anticipated DS game, Lost in Blue, is pushed back to September 27th! In case any of you didn't know why Lost in Blue is my most anticipated I'll say why now. The concept seems very good (it's like Harvest Moon with a survival emphasis) and the things you can do seem both innovative and fun, such as fishing with a spear, creating tools by mixing together materials, hunting, scrounging around the beach, it all seems very fun. I know this won't be the best game for DS this year in neither my opinion nor anyone elses'. The reason why I'm anticipating it so much is because, it's a guy and girl stuck together on an island. I want to see if romance plays a part in this situation; because I'm such a romanticist. That's why I like the FF games so much, the story(which involves and somewhat circulates around the hero's relationship with the heroine)! Simply put, I love a good love story. I'm very romantic and trust me, it's very much a blessing.