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The Last Straw: Line In The Sand.

When I first came to Gamespot I was under the impression that Gamespot and the Gamespot community would be helpful, considerate and respectful. I can not be more wrong! My experiance with Gamespot  is users get hostile when one tries to be friendly. Mods that are drunk with power, choosing to blame rather than help users. Gamespot the site is very black and white and railroads users with no second chances given especially when honest mistakes occur. Gamespot knows nothing of communication and they expect users to be all knowing, by assuming that every nuance and fine point about their site can be extracked from the very broad overview found in the Gamespot question thread. This thread is only an overview with no explaination of lingo used by the Gamespot community, or clear understanding of what exactly is expected from the users. This leaves users to learn by trial and error and when one makes an honest mistake, Gamespot then supports blaming the individual for wrong doing instead of offering a second chance and a explanation of why the mistake violates Gamespot policies.

Gamespot supports mods who have the attitude of where there is smoke there is fire. These same mods rush to judge before getting all the facts, and they prefer to blame and make accountable rather than educate and help users. I was moderated for disruptive posting and the mods automatically decided that this was a clear intent to annoy and or distract rather than see it for what it was, an honest mistake.These same mods pick and choose who violate this policy of disruptive posting. According to mod and user who goes by the name _SAM_ " Some of the officers have responded to a really old, bumped thread without realizing it." Here is an example of mods who abuse their moderator privallages. These mods were extremly hostile about my mistake by stating that it is my fault and that I should know better. With that said, what about these all knowing officers. Since bumping old threads is a huge issue amongst users, why are the mods excusing their officers from posting in old threads without realizing it, and convicting me of disruptive posting when these officers did exactly what i did and that was posting on old threads without realizing it. After i realized that bumping old threads was such an issue I tried to find  an explanation of what this exactly meant. Once again I was in a hit or miss scituation. I contacted Gamewiserman ( a mod) about this and he was kind enough to explain this concept of bumping old threads, and said that some users do this just to annoy others. When he realized that I was new to the movie palace union he said not to worry about it and gave me the benefit of the doubt.

Gamespot did not say that posting on old threads was a violation, which leads users to believe that this is okay to do. If a user does not know that dead threads exist and what that means, then it is unrealistic to hold users accountable for posting on these threads. Gamespot has failed to provide such information to users and this sets traps for people who want nothing more than to enjoy what the community has to offer and does not want to cause problems. The movie palace mods said that my posts added little to no content to the thread, yet Gamespot defines little or no content by blank quoting and a single smily face. I did not do either of those things, I answered the posted topic with an appropiate responce.

Lastly, I requested that this moderation be reversed and as Gamespot's history demonstrates, Gamespot has gone into stealth mode and has not addresed this request. I did not sign up for hostility and strong arm tatics, I thought joining Gamespot would let me share my love of games and give me the chance to meet new people. I was apparently wrong!!

what constitutes old threads?

I became a recruit of the movie palace union and posted on many different threads and much to my surprise alot of those threads were locked after posting on them. The mod said that I was bumping old threads. I don't understand why the mods did not like me posting on these threads. I am new to this union and none of those threads were locked and the threads were interesting to me and I thought that i was able to post there. obviously this union has been around for a while due to the amount of threads on there but I joined two days ago so the union was new to me. How am i supposed to know what threads to post on and what threads to not post on if they are not locked? Apparently threads have an expiration date on them, and since that is the way it is, and the mods dont want old threads being bumped then should these Old threads have been locked or removed so that unsuspecting people like myself do not post on these topics. How am i to tell which threads to post on in the future so I don't upset the balance by posting on threads that I should not be. I thought all threads that were not locked were fair game to post on. Apparently I was wrong!

Happy days are here again!

Thanks Gamespot for fixing the problems in the system I know you guy have been swamped with problems to fix. Right every thing is A ok.:D Star Wars battlefront 2 and Revenge of the sith came out today and I have both and the question then becomes what do I do first. What a great day:!:

Bring Back The Old Gamespot!

I don't get why gamespot is having so many problems I have a migrain headache because every time I turn on my computer to come to gamespot something does not work. Just today it took me 10 minutes just to log onto Gamespot and I still can't post any new topics in my unions. I wish that somebody could address this issue for me because for 3 weeks now I have been banging my head against the wall. i got the standard answer somebody is looking into it. I have seen many posts about the new format and I answered some of them and the bottom line is that I want gamespot to work! Since the old format ran smoothly I say BRING BACK THE OLD FORMAT BECAUSE IT WORKED! :evil: :evil:

Why can't I post new topics?

I just went to three of the unions that I belong to and I am being told that I am not authorised to start new topics. I know the new format is not an exact science and there will be speed bumps and glitches, but a persons patience last only so long. There have been so many problems with this new format that I am wondering if being a gamespot member is even worth it now. This getting really, really, old. :evil:

When will gamespot go back to 100%

I know patience is needed to work the kinks out of the new system, but I don't want my posts that are not being acknowledged at the moment to be lost. Secondly, I would like  my level to move while I am still young enough to appreciate it.

I know all things in due time! :cry:

Stumped about new format

I find myself sitting here confused once again about the new format of gamespot. I have been posting alot and using the forums, as well as researching the next new game to buy. I am puzzeled because my level percent has not moved for a long time. Secondly, I am confused on how to request friends in the new format. The old format was easy, I think it has something to do with tracking users but I am not sure. I have asked that question to current friends and posted in off topic forum to get an answer to that question.Oh well I will write the % level off with slow updating, and as far as friends are concearned I will get the answer from someone or I will figure it out on my own.

Thoughts about the NEW GAMESPOT!

My thoughts about the new gamespot format is this, I like the over all look and it seems easier to navigate, but I noticed that load times are a bit slower than before. Also, I have lost some of my posts and what i can use of gamespot my level percent has not moved. I hope that this is tied into the loss of the forums, in any event generally speaking I like the changes. As for the rest only time will tell.8)

I just got the hang of things...

I just got the hang of things and now the whole thing is completely different, oh well back to square one.I like the looks so far and it seems easy to navigate but we will see. As of now I don't see any of the forums yet, but I think that it will come in time. There is alot of chatter about the new lay out of Gamespot. I will be happy, like everyone else when the forums are back. I know patience is required. I can not wait to see all the new threads.

P.S. go RED SOX! :P

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