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Before I go please read what i want to say

Before i go i just want to say somthing and I dont care if none of you belive me and now heres what i want to say. PSPLORD tricked me into saying somthing like that once i said that Dbz345 was a wanna be (Sorry I did not mean it i sware your cool)He went and posted it on Gamespot and then he made up a lie saying that i said that to miksta and David when they was not even in the conversion i was not even talking about them! Then when he posted the dumb lie miksta thought that i said it about him when i did not now he hates me and there i lost one friend and i dont even no about david and heres the thing I WANT TO NO FROM YOU PSPLORD WHY DID YOU BRING OTHERS INTO THIS ARGUMENT WHY CANT YOU LEAVE THEM OUT OF THIS I WANT YOU TO FACE ME YOURSELF IF YOU BRING OTHERS IN HERE THEN THAT MEANS TO ME YOUR SCARD OF ME! FACE ME ON YOUR OWN. And for the rest of you i'm sorry for the way i acted i guess it was dumb of me and if you hate me fine let it be but i just want to tell everyone how this whole thing started and trust me i'm not lieing!

The real story

Okay here how everything happend it started about my site when i found out that the site i worked so hard on had ads and i'm sure most of you already know that i hate ads on my site so when i saw it i got very very very mad and then on my messager i made a conversion with a bunch of people asking for help I wanted them all to help me find out google email address or phone number because those were google ads on my site so i told everyone to help me out and then most of them left so i brang them back in a cupel of times and then psplord just started cursing at me allot and then i got really mad at him and told him to help me out but he would not eve listen and then lots of people started calming me down then most of them tryed to help out but psplord did not even try he said because hes 12 so he cant help out he said he cant hes not smart anof and he did not even try to do anything while everyone else tryed he told me he was mad at me because he said that a long time ago i did not like him or respect him and because he used to send letters to me and i never answerd and i said that was a long time ago! To forget that i can barly remeber anything from bck then so after that we started arguing and yelling at each other and then i told him to never talk to me again and to stay out of my life and then i left and i think it was a few days later when he came into one of my blogs and said i'm pretty good at being a jerk and i said to him i told you to stay out of my life and never talk to me again i'm sure some of you remember that. Then he kept on messing with me and never stops and he knows i have a bad temper and i can get it fast and he know that but he just keeps pushing me and he keeps starting so then i start curseing him out allot i'm sure you remember some of you then for doing that I get in troble by the moderaters so then i start talking to others and he comes in i'm tired of thst so i got so mad i started posting blogs about him and then he goes and does it back so i start cursing at him for keeping on messing with me then someone sends us a letter and then he said to talk it out on the messanger so i did and that made it worse this kid psplord just took advantige of that and made me say things and then he posted it on gs saying that i said the miksta, dbz345, and davidwhite23 was all wannabes and thats not true i only said that about dbz345 (sorry man) i sware thats the truth i only said that about him no one else then miksta hated me and i think david did to i lost 2 friends because of some lier and i cant belive anyone would do that thats really low tricking someone like that oh and about that site i was trcked by cloud223 he said psplord made a site about me and it was showed to me by cloud he said it was psplord when i found out it was him and i was confused then i remeberd i was mad at him because he was talking about my family and that made me made so then we was not friends then he wanted revend so he made that site.

Note to self: (Dbz390's saying to himself watch psplord start lieing about everything)

Note to anyone else: Do not delete this.

You Know what!

You now what! I'm staying because i'm not going to let some loser mess with me and make me leave you guys are all very right i'm going to be a man and stay and also I reported him hahahahahahahahaha take that PSPLORD! HA! You start to diss me and you wont get a way with this and to all mods thats reading this i'm not being mean okay if you mods want to talk to me please just please email me I want to talk to you guys about this problem so please email me about this and I will be glad to talk with you because this loser psplord has been messing with me for a very very very long time and its the truth you can ask everyone its true i'm tired of psplord hes annoying!!! Also i'm glad to be staying so I can talk with you guys everyone not you psplord and psplord if your reading this STAY OUT OF MY PROFILE! AND STAY OUT OF MY LIFE!!!!!!! LEAVE ME ALONE YOU LOSER! LEAVE ME ALONE! I'M VERY SICK OF YOU AND YOUR LOSER USERNAME!!! I DONT WANT TO SEE YOU ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Also mods please pm me about my problem so we can talk.

I'm Making a New Movie!

Okay guys i'm making a new movie about Dragonball Z and its about Gohan and Cell and I already started on the movie but just like my last movie it will take a while to make the reason is because the movie will be 6 minutes and my songs only 4 minutes and 33 seconds so I will need to make some ajustments to the song so that it will be six minutes and doing that will be hard so it will take a while to do and the songs cool I like it and I got it from Davidwhite23 so Thanks for the Song Goku. So as I was saying about my song it will need some ajustments and will take a while to do so I will try to do it as fast as I can and then put the movie up.

Heres my Vice City Music Video

Well here it is everyone I was very busy thats why it took me so long to finsh this movie and I had to fine a whole lot of clips for this movie and all of those clips took up a bunch of space on my computer so the movie started freezeing but I fixed all of that and I finally got the movie done here it is everyone my first Grand theft auto movie that I have ever made in my whole life. This may be the last movie you guys see me make because I will be leaving Gamespot soon. Prepare for Grand Theft Auto Vice City Time To Rock!!!!!!!!!! Just Click the link below