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Are Videogames too Easy?

Lately, it seems that games are getting easier. Games such as Gears of War are a little dissapointing in terms of difficulty. Gears of War is really forgiving when it comes to the health regeneration. Its almost too much. Now you could argue that Insane difficulty is hard, and i'd have to agree, but you can't help but notice that "casual gamers" are having an effect. Developers are justifying that if games are easier then casual gamers will play them. But what about the other side of it? The hardcore gamers are going to want something harder and more challenging. My own opinion is that games need to not be dumbed down for the casual players. But this is all about profit. If a company can sell more copies of a game by making it easier then they'll do it. Now I know that Gears is a tough game on the harder difficulties, but easier shorter games are becoming really popular now days. The video game industry has changed alot. Games for the older systems were not easy by any means. I guess this is just a phase that will pass by. In the mean time, i'll go play some challenging games, because i'm sick of these 10 hour simple games.