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Bye bye Kotor...

Mass Effect is coming out on May 22 and it looks to me like it will be much better than Kotor ever was. I know alot of people will yell at me for saying this, but i didn't like Kotor that much. For one thing the combat was kinda wonky. The frame rate stutters almost ruin the combat for me. Also the dialogue, although there were some standouts, wasn't that great. Most of the characters sounded really bland to me. After watching some of Mass Effect i saw that the frame rate was pretty stable and that the voices weren't as bland. The characters were also much more expressive (although this is probably due to the better graphics engine). Mass Effect is one of my most anticipated games and i hope it delivers. There are only a few questions i really have about it. One, is Bioware really going to meet the release date or is it going to get pushed back. I wouldn't mind if it got pushed back a month or two, but they better not do what Valve did with Half Life 2 The Orange Box and push it back to fall. My second question is this: Is Bioware really almost done and are they really just polishing things up like they said? I hope they are but something tells me they aren't. My last question is what is the downloadable content going to be, and how much will there be? I hope that the main story and side quests are long enough for the game to feel complete without the downloadable content. Also is the downloadable content going to be free or not? Once April comes around i hope some of these questions will be answered. If you have any answers to these questions, comment!