I've been thinking. Mainly about achievement points and how i think they're really a good idea, but they just don't work. My main problem with points is the fact that having fun by playing games isn't good enough anymore. We need some sort of pat on the back to make us like games. Now most people aren't like that, but some of the "points whores" are just ridiculus. Buying games just for points is a travesty in my eyes. You shouldn't just buy a game for some stupid pat on the back. Games are for fun, recreation, and competition, but not for some achievement. It just blows my mind that people get so into points. For years games have just been about having fun, but now some people are missing that point. They just want some recognition or something. Well i'll tell you one thing: You're not going to get recognized because you have some points. Games should be something you do to relax, not something that you do for bragging rights
And bragging is a real problem sometimes. I don't know how many online games have been ruined because somebody was bragging about how good they were because they had over 10 thousand points. The whole match they just went on and on, and when they eventually lost they just cussed us out in a spectacular 8th grade fashion. Cussing is another point i want to talk about too. I'm not going to lie; i cuss during online matches alot. But it is never aimed at someone and it is never in a ridiculus fashion like most people. I swear to god that i will not play another match of Halo 2 because of the cussing. Little ten year olds calling me a d-bag is where i draw the line. I'm not going to take that any longer. I honestly don't see why everyone can just get over their own egos. I just can't take another idiot yell about how my headshot on him was lucky and cheap. I'm just not going to do it.
Games have transformed into something that i think its really bad. Friendly competition has turned into a cussing screamfest. Games that i once loved are turned into cussing ego fests where at least one person has to brag about their achievement points and has to call me a cheater. I just hope that new things like the "shut yo mouth button" in Halo 3 help silence the fools who are convinced that they're better than anyone on the planet. Does anyone think that will work besides me? i doubt it... for now i guess i'll just go and play some counter strike where there are no idiots like the ones playing Halo 2.