The other day as I was clicking around the site, i came into an Xbox 360 games forum and something caught my eye. It was really noticable too, as the topic had approximately ten exclamation marks behind it. It said something like this: THis Game WILl ToTalLy Kill the crapstation 3!!!!!!!!!!. Now out of curiousity i went into it and saw what it was all about. This person was going on and on about how the PS3 was going to fail within the next few months and the 360 would reign as console king. I read this and i thought one thing: "this is really wrong". My theory on why the PS3 isn't doing so hot right now is simple: there aren't enough good games out. In the next year we will see tons of good games coming out for the PS3 such as Metal Gear Solid 4 (if it can somehow manage to not get pushed back into next year) and The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion, which has already seen huge success on the 360.
Also, Sony has enough money to keep the Playstation line alive even if the PS3 totally bombs in the console "war". Sony has been making electronics for years and years and they have enough money to support the PS3. Another area where Sony has covered is the fans. They will buy the PS3 even if no killer apps are out right now. They're willing to wait until their favorite game is out no matter what. The PS3 also has the technology. In the next coming year games should start to look better for the PS3 if it follows the same lines as the 360. My conclusion is that the PS3 isn't doomed to die, its just biding time.
Now i'm not a Sony fanboy or anything like that, but the level of arguement between Microsoft fans and Sony fans is just getting unbelieveable. I've seen more flame wars than I ever want to see on the forums. But if theres one thing that Sony has screwed up its that they went and started shooting off their mouths about stupid stuff that they shouldn't have. Like certain Sony officials saying that the PS3 is a computer. Yeah right. The PS3 is going to be a game machine like the Wii and 360 are no matter what. Also Sony's boasting about how they would have at least a million or more units in the US by now was just foolish. They shouldn't have even commented.
Like I said before I'm not really a fanboy of Sony. I'm more of a Microsoft and Nintendo guy, but this is ridiculus. Just because the PS3 had a rocky start doesn't mean its out of the console race yet. I think that by the time later 2007 rolls around things will start to heat up, and Sony will be back on its feet.