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My Birthday ^_^

My Birthday is in 2 days (August 20th).

Awesome, huh? I'm gonna be 19!!! Next year I'll be 20. That's scary ._.

Anyway, I beat Final Fantasy I Anniversary Edition (PSP) tonight. Very satisfying. I loved it. I'm going to write a review tomorrow (today actually..since its 3AM).

Alright, I'm off to sleep, just thought I'd share some info. BYE!!!

I got all my stuff back!!!

So, Appearantly the people that robbed my car don't like my taste in music or the fact that I'm a student because they threw all my stuff into one of my neighbors yards and she called me today and was like "Are you ____?" So I said "Yes...why?" and she goes "Well, I found a whole bunch of books and CDs in my yard with your name in them. One is a college algebra book and then the others are notebooks and stuff. Do you want to come get them?". I was excited! So I went to her house and she said that they tried to break into her car too but she caught them and they ran away or something and she found all my stuff, so yeah! Man, I'm so happy right now.

Worst gaming mistake?

I was just thinking about this earlier while I was reading PSM.

My worst mistake..actually I have 2 for console things and then 1 on gaming.


- Selling my DS (I can't handle not having portable gaming)

- Selling all my Final Fantasy games just to rebuy them at a later time. (wtf....I sucked)


- FF7, I cast regen on Proud Clod in Disc 3. Took me almost an hour and a half to beat him because I was such a noob -___-;

What's ya'lls worst gaming mistakes?

Someone broke into my car.

You know...the ONE time I don't lock my car, someone decides "Hmm...Let's go steal some stuff."

They took alot...

They took my CD case, All my korean CDs (minues the 3 I had in my house), My backpack (which has all my school stuff in it.), and they tried to steal the radio but they couldn't get it out.


Here was a list of all my CDs -_-

The Fray Stolen
Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory Stolen
Third Eye Blind (Not sure) Stolen
Hoobastank - The Reason

Se7en - 1st Album "Just Listen" Stolen
Se7en - 2nd Album "Must Listen" Stolen
Shinhwa - 3rd Album "Only One" Stolen
Shinhwa - 5th Album "Perfect Man"
Cheon Sang Ji Hee The Grace - 1st Album "One More Time, OK?"
Dong Bang Shin Ki - 2nd Album "Rising Sun" Stolen
Loveholic - 1st Album "Florist" Stolen
SM Town - Summer Album '06 Stolen
Super Junior - 1st Album "Super Junior '05" Stolen

L'arc en Ciel - Smile Stolen
Ketchup Mania - Greetings from Tokyo Stolen

Opinions on Instruments?

Alright, my mom said when I get my financial aid check in September, I can buy a new instrument to start learning. I've played Clarinet for 7 years, piano on and off my whole life, Ocarina for 6 months, and I hate playing my guitar. I'm really feeling strings right now though and I'm thinking about Cello...Is that a fun instrument? Is it easy to learn and fun to practice? I'm really really considering it, but I have NO idea about stringed instruments.

And please give me the honest truth. I'm a musician, I love making music so I need to know what's going to be good for me.

Square-Enix hates me.

I started playing FFIV on Thursday around noon. It is now Sunday, 4PM, and I am at the final dungeon. I am also 8 levels below the "Suggested" level. What.The.Hell. I attempted to face [spoiler] Zeromus [/spoiler] and in 2 hits, my entire party was gone. I'm a little mad right now because I'm tired of leveling -_-;

Anyway, about Square-Enix. I've been doing a lot of reading lately on what SE has been up to and I'm a little confused on their marketing "ideas". So far, from what I know...they are creating tons and tons of side stories for FFVII,XII,XIII, and Crystal Chronicles AND recreating FF 1-6 on various systems, again. While I love each of these games individually, I'm getting a little miffed about something. For the past, oh, 8 years I guess, SE has been pumping out remakes of FF 1-6 on different consoles. Like I have just said, they are creating side stories for 7,10,12, and 13. One of my problems...WHAT HAPPENED TO 8 AND 9!? Do those games just not exist to SE anymore? There have been absolutely no talks whatsoever about them, atleast to my knowledge. I honestly think that 8 with redone graphics and vocals would make that game 100x more amazing than it already is. I was actually looking forward to that when I heard that they *might* be remaking 7. I've never liked FF9 until recently, and I think if it was updated, I'd probably like it even more. But there are no talks about them -_-

Another thing, is there are tons and tons of side stories for FF7 coming out soon...but what about the original? I know that we have been presented with the "Tech Demo" at E3 and how they keep changing their minds on if they are going to remake the game or not, but here is my logic. If FF7 one was of THE best selling games, if not the best, of 1997 (correct me if I'm wrong), Whyyyyyyy is it not being remade or even ported to another system? I'd love a remake on PS3, but if I am stuck with an exact port onto the PSP or being able to download it off of the Playstation network, I'd probably shed tears of joy. Firstly for its portability (assuming it'll be on PSP) and secondly for all the people that unfortunately can't find a copy get a chance to play the original. I don't think SE realizes how many people have joined the FF bandwagon since the debut of FF7 and I honestly think that if they put just a little time,effort, and money to port or remake 7-9, they'd be even richer then they already are.

Maybe I'm just being a ravenous fanboy and craving something that'll never happen, but I think that remakes would be an amazingly good decision for this company.

PSP Wishlist = Bankruptcy

I bought PSM's PSP Yearbook today and I definately spent a CRAP load of money (in my head) on all the games I want. I'm seriously going to have to get a job if I ever want to play all these games.

Wanna know the list? xD


-Blade Dancer



-Legend of Heroes I,II, & III


-Lumines I & II

-Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror

-Valkyrie Profile


-Final Fantasy I

-Final Fantasy II

-Tales of the World

-Brave Story

-Innocent Life

-Killzone Liberation

-Ultimate Ghosts 'N Goblins

Dang. That's alot. Alright...well, I have a list of things to buy up until probably christmas of '08 xD

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