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Half Life 2: Seagull Hunter

Ok, I'm a big advocate of playing games the way you want to play them. Screw everything they say in that miniature notebook they give you with every game you buy. If you pay good money for a game, you should be able to enjoy it howver you see fit. If you want to buy a DVD and watch it in reverse with the vertical hold screwed up, that's your choice; Which brings me to my real point:

Half Life 2 has the best dead seagull physics in the WORLD!

I love quicksave and subsequently quickload, because it allows you to instantly re-populate your supply of crossbow bolts as well as bring the City 17 Seagull (Larus Halflifetwoius) back from extinction.

It takes a keen eye to pick those babies off at 200 yards with a crossbow. You have to lead them a foot, and don't even get me started on the flight paths. My guide "How to shoot seagulls with the crossbow in Half Life 2" will be published soon, also you may need to look for it under the title "Why I may never beat Half Life 2", Or perhaps "Gordon Livingston Seagull"...I'm not sure on which I'm more pleased with. The guy will know which book you're talking about.

Until next time, keep on playing those games any which way you please. If it makes a silly sound when you jump on it, go ahead and do it for an hour or two. You've earned it.

npc_create npc_seagull