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Lord of the Dance : The Third Age

If you haven't played Lord of the Rings: The Third Age yet, do yourself a favor and pretend you already did, because you probably have. The characters just had different names and lived somewhere else. I'm struggling with this one because it looks beautiful, it's set in middle earth, and... thats really it I guess.

It's a completely dumbed down RPG, so much in fact that it could easily have taken place in Norrath. Just kidding you Everquestrians, not really though. The best way I can explain it is like this, ok, you remember when you were playing that dungeon game.. you know that one that made you run around and hack and slash things? The Baldur's X-men Champions of Norrath's Legend Gate? Yeah, it's kinda like that, only the battles are now menu driven. That's it! Only they took out towns, inns, shops, npc's that you can interact with, character development, as well as so on and so forth. Can't forget that.

What you're left with is actually kind of fun in a "Holy Crap, Gandalf, you're a freaking wizard" kind of way. It's just running, fighting and getting stuff. I'm not oversimplifying this one bit. You run, you fight, you get stuff. It's kind of like Adventure only there aren't any ducks chasing you while you frantically look for your thing that is supposed to be a sword only it looks like an arrow key.

Actually, the duck could be the Balrog, and there are various treasure chests scattered around the world containing your various arrow keys (swords).

This game is exactly like Adventure for the Atari 2600. Maybe that's why I like it.

Somebody get this fwickin duck away from me.