I thought I might try and make some irregular blogs based on Arcade Game music from my youth. In the good ol' days, nothing made a great game more memorable than a great soundtrack to go with the on screen action.
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Over the years Sega have made some brilliant in-game music (more of which I'm sure I'll cover) but this was the first soundtrack they made that really stuck in my head.
I must've been about 9 or 10 when I first saw Space Harrier in all it's massive sit down cabinet glory. As well as the awesome graphics, fast paced gameplay and huuuuge moving cabinet I absolutely loved the music. During my holidays at Butlins I would hum the tune all day long, waiting until later in the day when I could go and play it in the arcades. I could never get past the 4th level which meant I would struggle to hear the whole theme, once a lousy gamer always a lousy gamer I suppose.