Another Top 5 list? Why's that? Two reasons: too much free time. Secondly, it's somehow easier to come up with these things when I have a manic episode. Ain't bipolar disorder fun? This time, I've decided to ruthlessly criticize...myself!? Yes, here is a quick list of my worst traits as a gamer. I'm sure people have made some posts like this before me, but here I will list why I fail in some areas. Xbots, get your flame comments ready. Enjoy! First of all, I don't care about first person shooters, at all. Like whatsoever. I don't hate them, I just don't care about them. The most insanely popular genre of this generation (tied with third person shooters) and I don't play any? OK, GoldenEye, that's one. And as I've stated before, the Metroid Prime games are NOT first person shooters. They're first person adventures. Nintendo said so and everything. And I might even argue WHY they're first person adventures in another post. Back to my original point, I don't care about shooters. Why, you may ask? First and foremost, I fail at dual analog sticks. Next, to me, they all typically have little to no innovation and fall into one of the following categories. World War II setting with lots and lots and lots of gray...and beige...and brown. The second category is Sci-fi FPS where ticked off aliens are ticking off humans, which leads to big, explosion-filled, cliche battles. More often than not, the latter stars some masked, quiet protagonist. And yes, there are obviously some that break the stereotypes. Bioshock, for example, had an interesting, fresh, and original plot set in an underwater city where you can splice your own genes and rescue or kill, I mean harvest, helpless little children! Side note on Bioshock, that's one of the few games where when I did something "bad", I actually felt guilty. Back to my comment about the FPS protagonist, I think that the masked man archetype I mentioned earlier is just a pathetically lazy attempt to have an everyman hero. No, developers, I really can't put myself in that scenario, so don't even bother. Give us an original protagonist with a unique, likable personality and I'd be happy. And I know the mythos, canon, lore, and plot of an FPS are, more often than not, completely irrelevant to the core experience of the game. Also, and PC elitists will agree with me, if you're gonna play an FPS, you play it with a mouse and keyboard. That's how they got their start. So to sum it up, all shooters are the same to me. And I mean that in the nicest way possible. Next reason, I'm a hopeless Nintendo fanboy, or "Nintendrone". Some people might not realize that Nintendo was once the ONLY game company. But N64 and onwards Nintendo consoles were in desperate need of RPGs and high profile 3rd Party exclusives. To point this out, what are some of the Gamecube's best 3rd party exclusives? Resident Evil 4 got ported to the PS2, PC, and now on the iPhone? Wait, Tales of Symphonia. Did you know that it actually was ported to the PS2 in Japan? So like many others, I eventually broke down and got a PS2, even with my love of the Gamecube. I won't make this segment sound like one stretched-out way of saying "Nintendo abandoned us, the people who made them who they are today, how dare they!". Even with my little use for the Wii, I will remain stupidly loyal. To other Nintendrones, you know Nintendo loves you, they just don't show it as much as they should. Lately, they've realized they shouldn't focus on just casual gamers. Why do I say that? Their E3 reveals of Metroid: Other M, Super Mario Galaxy 2, New Super Mario Bros Wii, etc. Third party developers are FINALLY putting some effort into their Wii games. Good titles coming up? Dead Space Extraction, Resident Evil Darkside Chronicles, Muramasa, Red Steel 2, and of course Tatsunoko vs Capcom. Which, by the way, will always be a Wii exclusive. Just accept it Xbots. But, even with the Wii's reputation as being the "kiddy" console, my undying fandom continues. Rather short paragraph, huh? Next up, I consider several popular games overrated. A few popular games I don't like? ICO is one I truly hate. Just look at what it is: one giant escort mission. Picture the original NES Legend of Zelda, add "challenging" puzzles, iffy controls, and have Link drag around a burlap sack filled with bricks. At least that's how I saw it. And don't even get me started on Shadow of the Colossus. Final Fantasy XII is one I don't hate, I just don't think it deserves universal acclaim. I don't mind depth in games, but FF XII was just a bit too complex. Did anybody actually like the license point system? It was just hard thing to get my head around. "Wait, I gotta kill 30 more enemies just to be able to wield a generic sword?" was the first thing to come to my mind when I first played it. And the plot was way too convoluted. Anyway, I'm rambling. Back to my original point, I "don't get" several popular games. On the topic of differing tastes, I actually like a fair amount of mediocre/terrible games. First off, I actually like Castlevania Judgment. I'm not joking. Waggle controls, shallow gameplay, and terrible camera weren't enough to keep me from playing it. Speaking of shallow fighting games... Custom Robo. Yes it's fairly shallow and has little replay value if you're gonna play it by yourself, but I love character customization in games. That's why I thought I'd like Final Fantasy XII. Another mediocre game I like? Kirby Air Ride. It truly does boil down to knowing when to press "A". The main reason I like it is most likely my love of the Kirby franchise. Also one of the main reasons I actually really enjoyed Kirby 64. On the topic of cakewalks, I will admit that Yoshi's Story is truly devoid of challenge. Even with that in mind, I still played it constantly when it first came out. I love Yoshi's Island and the N64, so it's natural that I'd like Yoshi's Story. Go ahead and poke fun. Sonic Unleashed is another average game that I liked. I know the biggest complaint was the werewolf, uh, I mean wereHOG stages. No matter how shallow and poorly controlled they were, I still played them over and over again. I know I'm not the only one. Point is, there are several hated games I like. But the worst thing about me as a gamer? Rarely ever do I finish a game. I don't mean "100%" completed. I mean "beat the final boss" completed. There are several explanations. First off, laziness. Next, probably the main reason, I give up too easily. Why haven't I beaten Link to the Past? The final dungeon is too damn hard. Here's a quick list (a list within a list?) of games I wish I had beaten: Link to the Past, Tales of Symphonia, Metroid Prime 2, Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy IV, Fire Emblem Sacred Stones, Okami, Phantom Hourglass, Secret of Mana, among MANY others. Point is, most of the time, every time I pick up a game, chances are I won't finish it. This is what I consider my worst trait. Short blog post, right?
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