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Don't Worry PS3 Fanboys...

I know I'm definitely not the only one excited for Tatsunoko vs. Capcom. But, in the comments of virtually every preview of the game (not just on this site), you'll find quotes like "ZOMG! why no release 4 the ps3!!! teh wii suxorz BIG time!". Not in those exact words mind you, but still the same mentality. Tatsunoko vs Capcom seems to be the first 3rd Party Wii exclusive that has PS3 owners whining that it's not coming out on their console. It's definitely not (sarcasm) greedy to demand EVERY good game to come out on the PS3 and 360. You already have Marvel vs. Capcom 2 and Street Fighter IV, let Wii owners have this one thing. I know Capcom said its only coming out on the Wii, but does that really mean anything? Remember when they said Resident Evil 4 was going to be a Gamecube exclusive? Not even 1 year after it's Gamecube release, it was ported to the PS2. This may just be history repeating itself. After all this is Capcom, known to port virtually EVERYTHING (Dead Rising cell phone port?), so I'm sure they'll listen to PS3 owners and port it to their console with more features. Capcom seems to be one of the few publishers that listens to what their community has to say, so I'm sure they'll eventually figure they should port it to the 360 and/or PS3. For a quick lesson in humility, need I remind you that the Wii (underpowered and gimmicky) is beating out the PS3 AND 360, respectively, (with their hi-def graphics and superior online)? Quick history lesson! Did you know that Nintendo actually helped create the arcade machines for the game? But don't worry PS3 fanboys, I'm sure you'll get a version sooner or later. I've also noticed some people complaining about the new characters... Is new really that bad? Street Fighter III introduced a bunch of brand-new characters and look what happened. It's been called the best fighting game ever. If, for some reason, someone at Capcom is reading this, please...pretty please? Keep it a Wii exclusive (though its, unfortunately, unlikely).