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Epic fail/win

This year's E3 was much better than last year's E3. Fact. One piece of technology unveiled at E3 that grabbed attention was Project Natal. I, honestly, can't wait for it to come out. Not to buy it mind you, but rather the controversy. Not that whole "Natal can't recognize dark skin tones" controversy. Think back... remember when the Wii was first released? Remember the kind of damage people caused with the Wii remote? Even the Wii Fit led to broken flowerpots (no, seriously) and other mishaps. Now just imagine the kind of destruction can cause with the Natal. Think of the accidents: slipping and falling, accidentally kicking the screen, etc. Are broken legs and/or arms really that unlikely? Time will tell... However, I don't think 1:1 motion control will improve EVERY genre. One games journalist said "...mind-blowing interaction, yes, but mind-blowing interaction within very limited 3D spaces". But, the Natal should be an interesting peripheral. My favorite moment of E3 '09 was not an announcement of any game I can't wait to get (Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, Metroid: Other M, etc) but actually a quote destined to become a meme. I'll give you a hint what it is: No, I've never wondered what the bottom of an avatar's shoe looks like. lolz.