A few years ago I found a used copy of Daikatana at Half Price Books for something like $2. I've kept it around, eventually wanting to install it and revile Romero for his hubris. I was curious to see just what went wrong.
The first time I installed it, a year ago, was on a celeron 266 with 192 megs of memory and a Voodoo3 graphics card. Talk about a sucky experience. I swear, half of my computer's power was devoted to those annoying, constantly spinning weapons.
So I tried it again today, on my much more beefy, modern computer (1.6GHz, 512 Megs of RAM, GeForce 5200 - not the highest system on the market but plays the current batch of games very well). After doing the full install (so I could install the patch), I got it running.
The obviously ammateurish/undeveloped parts are what end up sticking out to me. Like the characters mouths not even moving, the running animation of the ninja that stops just a few seconds AFTER he pushes a man over, the terribly-chosen enemies (BUGS? What kind of uberman has to squash bugs to survive?), the Cremation Truck's wheels NOT TURNING.... I stopped playing it after I heard the 100th overly dramatic scream that the "technicians" in the sewer plant shout when they see me for the first time. Hosnestly, it sounds like a death cry, not a cry of fear or being startled.
In the first two levels, I don't have a partner, which makes it a passably decent first-person shooter. I hear that things take a turn for the worse when the AI partner appears. I'll keep you updated... if I play it again.
Overall, this game reminds me of "The Gunman Chronicles" - entertaining, but you always feel like it was created in a dorm room by a bunch of well-meaning frat boys.
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