Iv been using a regular Dell 19 for almost 11 years now the same one. Its about time I uprgrade to somthing with HD imputs sense I have SLI'ed 550ti's. Heres a nice question though I also need a new tv. With a 400$ budget would it be best for me to buy a 23 inch dell 1080i HD widescreen montior for 139 and a 32 inch hdtv for 200$ and get them that way. Or are there 32 inch tv's that do well for gaming that would be 400 or less in money?
2Rolex's forum posts
Alright my buddy downloaded protection center, which is a rouge anti-virus software. I ran maylbites and got rid of it or at least the program. But one problem still is there. It messed up my internet now everytime u click on a link from like somthing you search for in google it takes u to a completely different site. Spam site more like it. Then it trys to download Protection Center agian. But I got a anti-virus/spyware up now and every time it trys to redownload it it stops it. But I cant figure out how to fix the search problem. Any idea?
Try pefect world.
Been out for a few years now.
Its a very good game they just released there biggest expansion today.
Its all about teamwork pretty much. It not a grind fest ethier it got tons and tons of quest and story line.
It got great graphic.
here a link to the site http://pwi.perfectworld.com/
If you do play and have any questions about the game messages me and i can help
A f2p one.
I got rappelz but seems like everyone quit playing it seems like a dead zone.
any one got any suggestions
and is runes of magic any good?
im playing perfect world and im just wordering whats a better class to play im a 41 mage atm but is mage or archer better to play i like damage and health and i wanna be able to pvp
is it ok to leave my computer in sleep mode overnight while i have a game running what does sleep mode to to the computer anyway is it good will it hurt the computer
Can anyone who play this game thats a mage help me out here im lvl 38 and have some questions
Should a place where u can look at all new part and part for computer and sites to buy them and a add button like the game to add it to ur list instead ur adding it to what you have in you pc and how its build and people can go to you profile and rate your pc and new emblems should be made for this as in Gamer rig or horrible rig or school performing ect and only giving after a certain number of ratings on what ur pc is.
Anyone played it im wating on a beta key still
anyone this its a good game?
i got a few questions on this game
in multiplayer is there a multiplayer and can u be zombie or human or is it just human and zombies are computer or is it like a 2 side team game where theres zombies and human all real people playing and not computer.
is it as good as they say cause alot of people just rate amazing or awesome and never played it.
is it really a great game
and what is some of the features in it.
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