2k3vick's's Gamespot Rank

Level: 5 (67%)
Rank: Tapper
Points: 23385

2k3vick's Emblems

  • Greatest Game Hero Preliminary Voter

    This emblem shows that you got into GameSpot’s Greatest Game Hero competition on the ground floor by voting for the 10 additional characters added to the main list. Rock the vote!

  • E3 2012 Literature Enthusiast - Day 1

    Taking a break from watching YouTube videos of kittens playing with a ball of yarn, this viewer made the excellent decision to read the fine E3 coverage on GameSpot's official E3 site on day one of E3.

  • E3 2012 Literature Enthusiast - Day 4

    Taking a break from watching YouTube videos of kittens playing with a ball of yarn, this viewer made the excellent decision to read the fine E3 coverage on GameSpot's official E3 site on day four of E3.