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new look

well i decided to give my profile a new look, and since i am compltetly in love with this couple at the moment why not dedicate my page to them! sayaXhagi forever! w00t!

I'm Happy! (for once, lol)

well, im pretty happy at the moment. i LOVED Breaking Dawn! plus i just got Blood+ manga vol 3, it rocked! Brisinger comes out in a couple weeks and RM vol 30 too. and i just found out about the twilight movie release date being bumped up to Nov. 21st (just 5 days before my 19th bday w00t) the only bad thing is that they're delaying HP6 until next summer now... also my bday month is going to be very eventful, Blood+ manga vol 4 and novel vol 3 come out. so i kno what im gettin for presents! i cant wait!!!

bored again...

*sigh* i can update my to do list i guess. well i got the living room cleaned but we gotta wait till the begining of the month before we get satalite(thats like forever from now). clean my room... anyone see any blue moons recently? I got Blood+ novel 2 Chevalier today and already finished it! now i gotta survive till Nov. until Vol 3 Boy Meets Girl arrivesT.T at least i have manga vol 3 next month^^) Blood+ Part 2 dvd box set, thats gonna be a while but once the satelites hooked up it wont be so bad, but ive got my ears open for news. its just a few more weeks till Breaking Dawn, ill make it! im too busy cleaning to drawing. my fave couple list is a work in progress ( im gonna find a few more to add before i make it). and i finally updated myspace! now im gonna update this profile and maybe my deviantart account and then ill be good.

woow. ud think i wouldnt be bored. i wish Horton Hears a Who! would come out already. that would help. and ive got like 3 cds to find and ive got a Blood+ cd/dvd box set comming in the mail(i cant wait!)

my 'to do' list

there are several things im trying to do right now and i had to put the list somewhere so i could remeber it:

1. clean the living room so we can get satalite

2. clean my room (thats gonna take a while)

3. find the novel (not manga) Blood+ vol. 2 Chevalier

4. survive until the Blood+ part 2 comes out

5. survive until Breaking Dawn comes out

6. work on some more art pics

7. make a new fave coupls list (since i have plenty of new ones)

8. update my myspace page

oi vay, im in trouble...

so sad... T.T

'kay so im officially a Mello (how could a girl not love a smexy hot guy that will sit around and eat chocolate with her all day^^) and L fangirl (more Mello than L but anyways...), and im so sad that Mello died T.T and the last ep. of Death Note is on tonight and i dont get to watch it, whaaa. its not fair. ive read all the manga vols but its still not the same. im gonna go curl up in a corner and cry now...

2 more to the list

*i did a little editing*

well, its official! i have 2 new obsessions! Fruits Basket and Death Note. (yea what a combination ^^' ) i went out and bought all 19 manga vols plus the fan book-cat for Fruits Basket in the last 2 weeks, all the anime vids, and a stuffed Kyo-cat(cant help it, im already in love with Kyo, YAY!) cant wait till July and vol 20! and i love the Death Note anime. i have vols 1 - 3 of them and 4 and 5 of the manga. since i dont kno when the next anime will be out i guess ill get the rest in manga. until then, read on! YOP^^

Crisis Core

omg! ive been playing Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII since tuesday. i have 3 bosses left 2 beat and then the game is over, then Zacks gonna die!! I DONT WANT ZACK TO DIE!!!!!!!!!! it aint fair ( thats his last name 'Fair', hahaha, ok, its not that funny...) i love Zack, he and Aerith are such a cute couple. neither of them should have died... ive already teared up atleast 5 times since i started playing, this game is very sad. i better go stock up on kleenexes for the big finish. oh well, at least in my own little world they both live happily ever after, with Cloud and Tifa and all the other couples i think sould be together. (stuborn as always) hey, a girl can dream cant she...^^

and on a happier note, i get to go see Horton Hears a Who! on tuesday for spring break! yay me!

'Twilight' the movie

oooh! im so happy!!!! Stephenie Meyer posted the pics of the movie cast of the Cullen family on her website today! i love em! they look so good! way better than i thought they would... yay yay yay! i cant wait till the movie comes out in December!!!!

and Breaking Dawn comes out on August 2nd^^ hee hee! 164 days and some odd hours to go!!!! YAY!!!!

im also currently obbsessed with 5 (well, 6 if u count Amy Brown, but i was already obsessed with her work) new artists: Jessica Galbreth, Nene Thomas, Meridith Dillman, Selina Fenech, and Brian Froud. and now im looking for books of their work. ive alredy got 2 Amy Brown books, and ive found one of Jessica, Nene and Brian. now i gotta find a Meridith and a Selina...(woah, this is way longer than i thought it would be)


book report

woot!! i finally found out when the new Eragon book comes out!! Septemer 20!! and the new Twilight book, Breaking Dawn, comes out in August!! and after vol 27 RM is gonna go back to being released every 2 months!! yay!

im on a new book kick. im in love with the 'Once Upon a Time' series right now. im also still stuck on books based off the Disney princessesmovies (still...) several of mu KH books are getting ready to come out, YAY!!

and im countin down the days till CRISIS CORE comes out!!!!!!!!!

im just glad im getting better. ive been sick in bed with a fever of 103 since last monday. i finally started getting better last friday. good thing we had a vacation day from schooltoday.

good news, bad news

well (- a deep subject (hee hee, dont ask, its a redneck thing)). anywhoo, i found out why the 3rd Eragon book hasn't come out yet... its turned into a 4 book series. the 3rd books due out the 23 of September next year, i think, or rather its supposed to. i finally read the 7th HP book last month and im very mad about what happens to Lupin and Tonks during the battle. and i still haven't got to the bookstore to get RM 26. grrr!!

on to good news! ive got all of my portfolios for school done and i only need 1 more credit to graduate! im ready to get outa that place, come on May 16! i turned 18 last month! ive been watching the new HP movie almost non-stop since i got it, im stuck on The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus and Boys Like Girls, i finally finished my Yuffie/Axel story(hee, its cute! and hard to follow...) , i know the release dates for RM vols. 27 - 29, Crisis Core's getting ready to come out, and there are 3 (or 4) new KH books coming out in March!!! so the good clearly out weighs the bad, for once. w00t! im doin good!