@NTM23 Just to make it clear, I was thinking in a more subconscious way. If he says that the game has too many cutscenes, than the implication is that he does not like the story, for if he did, he would not be complaining that the game has too many. And if he despises the gameplay that much, he should want the cutscenes even more.
@NTM23 @mtait01 I make typos too lol. But I see it the other way. If a story constantly interrupts the game, than it is not well presented. And yet he says it has a great narrative structure and is well presented. It can't be both ways.
@NTM23 @mtait01 He says the game has too many cutscenes that interrupt it towards the begggining of the article, but he also says it has a great narrative structure. Since cutscnenes are the main way a story/narrative are presented, to me, that is contradictory.
@fog90 Agree with you. How can he say it has too many cutscenes in one sentence, then praise the story and "narrative structure" in the next? Terrible, contradictory review.
@mtait01 Well why does Kevin says it has "Intriguing narrative structure" and "draws you into the story" in the good section than? He contradicts himself. And I guess i'm in the 10% with QTE's then.
Seems his main complaints are A, too many quick time events, B, too many cutscenes, and C, cheap deaths. Well I like quick time events, I like cutscenes, and newsflash VanOrd, if you get hit with a sniper bullet in real life, you are going to get knocked down. It's called being realistic. Review sounds terribly biased.
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