@divinejester Yeah, not like J K Rowling wrote an adult book that sold a bunch of copies and was reviewed pretty well!... Wait...
Wonderful 101 was developed by Platinum I.E. not Nintendo.
Zelda had a really significant change to it's formula recently, and be specific with Mario. Mario isn't a character as much as he is just an Avatar, mainly for platforming games, which tend to be solid and have some decent mechanics.
Also you said they lack creativity but the thing that keeps them afloat is there first party games? So other consoles and companies have to rely on third parties for their creativity and games, while Nintendo has enough ideas to keep a console afloat (and make it the best selling with the Wii) and not need third parties?
For your the same games comment- Assassins Creed has used the exact same systems since it's inception, with refinements and added (essentially) minigames. CoD is CoD, Battlefield is Battlefield. GTA is still about roaming a city and causing havoc. Yeah, sure thay have fancy new settings, but so do Nintendo properties. If your point is gameplay wise, my friend, that is what a franchise is.
@LtReviews @mechmaster525 This can't be my explaining of my comments this time, it just can't. I have said I don't care about tech specs. I have never said the PS3 isn't technically stronger, I don't care in the slightest if the PS3 could run Mario or Zelda or Halo or Gears. The fact is it doesn't have them. I didnt say you were one whom only talks about the one console. Flicking down, there's someone who has tried to argue against every Nintendo comment, and some who just talk about the brilliance of the PS3. You clearly are talking balanced and I can't refute anything you say. It's just not relevant to what I've said
@mechmaster525 That's exactly my point. My problem is about the few who don't see this now. I flicked through the comments, and they're are clearly some whom only see eyes for their console.
@LtReviews Perhaps I didn't get my point across, fair enough. I don't care about the tech of a console, and original IPs or gameplay didn't really come into question when I got my consoles. I was late to this gen, got a 360, mainly because my friends were in it. Out of the games I own, maybe one or two are exclusives. My point is that, yeah it's great to compare who brought the most new IPs, but it just seems to be done in a funny way to me. I mean it would be nice to see the multiplatform additions, how well each new IP rated, and what was done for each pre-existing IP.
I don't particularly care if the game is a new IP or not, as long as the games are quality. Over the past few years, most of our games are sequels prequels or HD re releases. And we buy them. Because, with the hefty price tag of £40, we need to know that what we are getting is quality. I don't like that GS decided because a game used already existing characters it's not original. I don't like many commenters whom imply all Mario games are the same. Overall, this article seems to be an attempt to reignite the console wars, and as a byproduct has exposed the petty ignorance of many of the readers at Gamespot
Yeah, I'm doubting the prices are going to rise that much. Over here in England, pretty much every game sells for about £40 near release, but wii games are notably cheaper. The problems come when a retailer thinks it has a hit; CoDs are selling for about £45-£50 after 6 months of release.
I don't see the problem, there are many third party exclusive games, and Capcom is likely going to which ever company has a bigger base to launch to and whichever is going to give them a bit more for the exclusivity.
It doesn't annoy me that they downrate it for say the bad AI, but for things like 'combat' in a puzzler? The combat's there just to change it up a bit, so your not just switching between characters all the time to get through a series of doors. It doesn't really need to be any more complex.
What really gets me is Gamespots hypocrisy. They can complain about suckish AI in this and dodgey vehicle controls, but then you have bigger companys games where the AI and Vehicles plain suck, but they still get rated 9's.
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